Haiti’s current state of instability has Democratic Rep. Marie Woodson wanting to end Haitian Heritage Month searching for how to quell the unrest so it will be possible to visit her native country once again.
Gang violence shut down the country’s airports for three weeks starting in March and regularly scheduled flights have yet to resume beyond a handful of departures. The situation has Woodson of Hollywood desperate to tap into the wisdom of Gen Z about possible solutions that could heal the chaos-torn country and raise awareness of its history as the first, independent Black republican in the world, the first independent state in the Caribbean and the second independent state in the Western Hemisphere after the United States.
Gen Z “is a completely different generation … who have been exposed to so much more,” Woodson said. “I truly believe that they might have some ideas and recommendations. And I want to give them a platform where they can share that. And maybe, hey, who knows? One of them might come up with a solution that might work.”
She, with multimedia journalist Tania Francois, CBS News Miami and Executive Producer of Impacting Communities, are having “Conversation with Gen Z on Haiti” at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday at South Regional Broward College Library, 7300 Pines Blvd., Building 81 in Pembroke Pines.
Woodson, who left Haiti when she felt Haiti’s political corruption limited her options in the 1980s, said she wouldn’t feel right celebrating anything about Haiti right now.
Seeing a roomful of Haitians listening to the Queen of Haitian Song, Emeline Michel, perform at Miramar Cultural Center on Friday had her thinking about what could have been if people like her hadn’t left.
“We are contributing to all levels of the United States of America,” Woodson said. “We are in public office. We are doctors. We have lawyers. We are teachers. We clean the hotels. We have nurses … Just think if we could have been in our country doing what we are doing here — God knows Haiti would have a different face.”
Free, Eventbrite tickets to the event, aimed at people ages 17 to 27, are here.
Jenny A. Eye
May 27, 2024 at 3:59 am
“The Broward County Representative doesn’t seem much to celebrate as her native island nation has descended into chaos.”
What does that mean? It sounds like an insult to the politician. Is this generative AI?
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Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 27, 2024 at 9:34 am
Good Morn ‘Ting America,
What the “Beautiful Representative Woodson” is trying to “Tell The Planet” is that the corruption which has been a factor for generations in Haiti is what lead to the break-down in society and brought on Mob Rule in her beloved country of her birth Haiti.
In addition, Rep. Woodson wants American Voters awate that the Haitian corruption is is exactly like the corruption in the “Dook 4 Brains” 08iden Sad-Ministration here in The USA. The Sage Patriot, Rep. Woodson, is asking all Hatian-Americans to avoid The USA’s fall into tyarany by “Voting Trump”.
Thank you Hatian Americans and all Americans for your support of Trump,
Elvis Pitts American
Speedy y SloPoke
May 27, 2024 at 9:44 am
Good morning Senior Pitts-American,
My Cousin SloPoke wants me to thank you for making the clear of the intent of Rep. Woodson as the reporting ignored her pleas for American-Hatians to support Trump with their voteing. And tried so hard at the spinning of her truth into a Dook Lefty artical just because she has the dark color skin of the Forner Democratic Plantation.
SG y SloPoke G
rick whitaker
May 27, 2024 at 11:41 am
EARL/SPEEDY, more racist drivel. you are offensive. earl, you represent all that is wrong with florida. billy purser, you are a POS
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 27, 2024 at 12:10 pm
But wait ….. Sage Haitian/American Patriots ….. theres more ….. SO MUCH MORE:
Donald J. TRUMP is the ONLY person running for POTUS with the TESTICULAR FORTITUDE to go into Haiti with the force to clean up that current “Dook Hole” of a Nation and return Haiti to its rightfull place as “THE GEM OF THE OCEAN”.
You think 8IDEN or JFK could/would do what needs to be done in HAITI???
Thank you Sage Haitian/American Patriots!!!!,
Elvis Pitts American
May 27, 2024 at 3:44 pm
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May 27, 2024 at 3:52 pm
What has gen z been exposed to. There isn’t even a draft..
All American politicians are American. And they deal with American issues.
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