The Florida Democratic Party (FDP) is urging members to confirm they are still election-ready after a U.S. House candidate revealed he was recently deactivated from the state’s voter rolls.
Former Key Biscayne Mayor Mike Davey, a Democrat running for Florida’s 27th Congressional District in Miami-Dade, shared this past weekend that the state had removed him in October from its list of active voters.
The removal came, he said, despite his long tenancy in an apartment building where his father, a Republican, also has a unit but did not see any registration change.
“In January, I saw a story … about people being purged from the rolls. … We’ve seen what Republicans have done in Tallahassee to make it more difficult to register, to make it more difficult to vote, (and) I’d heard something about … more Democrats being removed than Republicans, so I thought, ‘Let me just look into this,’” he told Jim DeFede of CBS News Miami.
“I’ve been voting since I moved to Florida 21 years ago. I’ve been registered in the same precinct. So, I went and checked and, sure enough, I had been deactivated as a Democrat. And my father, as a Republican, had not been. He’s only been there three years — same address, different apartment.”
Davey was able to reactivate his voter status and said doing so “was easy.” The Miami-Dade Elections Department blamed the issue on a mistake with his address.
But what happened to him is happening more often, following the passage of election laws in 2022 and 2023 designed to stifle voter registration and voter fraud. Critics of the measures, including many Democratic state lawmakers, decried the changes as veiled attempts to suppress progressive votes, particularly from African Americans.
In December, Florida Bulldog reported that nearly 1 million registered voters had been dropped from Florida’s active voter rolls since the year prior. Democrats and no-party voters accounted for 90% of them.
Under the 2023 law (SB 7050), which tightened existing strictures on active voters and third-party voter-registration groups, every county Supervisor of Elections (SOE) must perform a “list maintenance” yearly by April 1. Voters who did not participate in the last two General Elections or whose legal residence status is under question can be switched to inactive if they don’t respond to SOE communications.
Broward SOE Joe Scott, a Democrat, told Florida Bulldog he expected a mass revocation of voter registrations this year, but pushed back on the notion that it is part of a GOP conspiracy. He still opposed the change, favoring a universal registration system like “motor voter” in which every U.S. citizen of voting age is automatically registered when they interact with a government agency or receive a state-issued license.
“What I think overall that the bill did was make it harder for people to get registered and a lot easier to get removed,” he said, adding that “by design” Florida’s registration and voter-purging system disproportionately affects minorities.
FDP Chair Nikki Fried said Florida GOP policymakers are putting their thumbs on the scale of democracy and the best way Democrats can combat it in the short term is to ensure they’re cleared to vote now. “Republicans have been caught in the act,” she said in a statement.
“For years, Republicans have been wiping Democrats from the voter rolls to inflate their voter registration advantage. Following intentional changes in election laws with the passage of SB 524 in 2022 and SB 7050 in 2023, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of inactive voters in the state, and Democrats are marked as inactive at substantially higher rates.”
As of April 9, Republicans outnumbered Democrats by nearly 892,000 voters, up from a 500,000-voter lead last July. It’s the largest advantage the party has ever enjoyed.
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Bill Pollard Jr
May 15, 2024 at 6:34 pm
I’m not surprised. All citizens have a right to vote and should not be taken off the voter rolls without cause.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 9:57 am
It is with cause, Bill. Most of the purges are from three counties . . . Miami/Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach. What party are the Supervisors of Elections in those counties? Guess, Bill, guess. We are shocked that most purged folks are registered Dems from these three counties, and this is surprising.
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 11:43 am
As Mr Lil says, the G0P’s big claim is that voter purges are “for cause.”
Does benefit or harm to voters weigh in to the G0P’s calculation?
Nope. Only thing that matters is the desired benefit to electoral outcomes for the G0P.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Its democrats purging democrats tool.It is happening in the three most democrat counties. For being woke you are always asleep
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 5:23 pm
HUNG, does the purging get ordered on the state or county level? you, my boy are a brat for sure. did your mama not say she loved you? something put you on the path of a contrarian, maybe that’s it.
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 6:06 pm
If you mean the SOEs are Democrats, that is not relevant. Elections officials follow the law. And the 2023’s SB 7050 brought to you by, guess who, Lil, Florida’s G0P. So now that I copy pasted you some of the story you didn’t read, back on topic, where’s the benefit to purging voters from the rolls?
May 15, 2024 at 9:38 pm
I actually watched that TV broadcast last Sunday, South Florida CBS affiliate channel 4. Comes on after Face the Nation and I like it better than the Channel 10 program since Michael Putney retired.
I was surprised to hear the candidate’s story, and I definitely agree everyone should check their registration status.
Fun Fact: They are not supposed to remove names from rolls within 90 days of a general election. But I’d still check once a month between now and November.
So I went to the state website – dos(dot)fl(dot)gov/elections – and it was pretty interesting. Yes, we’ve seen more Republican registrations than Democratic since 2021, but I’m trying to put together the stats regarding the number of names removed (active and inactive voters) with the totals and nothing so far is adding up. It’s tricky because there’s no way I can see to account for how many removed might have reregistered like Mike Davey did, but certainly the year 2023 was a bloodbath – the state as a whole “lost” 1,186,4094 active voters, even though the stats say that in 2023 they only removed 285,348 voters and added 493,132 for a net gain of 207,784.
So, it’s all a bit confusing.
But, in 2023, it is true the Republicans only lost 170,274 (14.4%) whereas NPA and Democrats lost 1,069,945 (90.1% – approximately half each)) and the Minor Parties gained 53,817 (-4.5%).
Not quite sure what it all means but it sure doesn’t sound right.
May 15, 2024 at 10:56 pm
It is very difficult to determine exactly how many inactive voters there are and how the number is determined by the state and the SOEs at the county level, since the state is now providing most of the information. The goal seems to be to hasten the removal of so-called inactive voters, who in fact are fully qualified to vote.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Your so much fun.
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 5:17 pm
HUNG, and you are NOT so much fun. a turd that is so big that it is hard to flush, now that’s not so much fun. the people around you must know that concept well.
Another puzzling reference from a site called Florida “Politics”
May 15, 2024 at 10:53 pm
The abbreviation for the Democratic Party of Florida is not “FDP” and does not appear on the DS-DE 39 official voter registration form. Why call it something the state doesn’t?
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 9:43 am
FDP is an acronym that was introduced early in the post along with its given meaning, “Florida Democratic Party (FDP).” Acronyms for wordy names of organizations make for less repetitive reading. It’s done for the sake of the reader.
That said, this post used FDP just one time after its introduction, probably meaning FDP got edited out in at least one place, and hopefully more than one place. Otherwise there wasn’t any point in introducing the acronym merely to use it one time.
So, a more valid question to ask might have been “Why introduce some acronym that is subsequently leveraged just one time?”
And I bet answer is “FDP was introduced for the convenience of commenters, so they wouldn’t have to type out Florida Democratic Party or use a non-introduced acronym they know but others may not know while they’re moaning about the FDP ruining everything and coming for your chirrens”
Everybody, take a second and think before you type! If you do that, you may realize you can answer the question you’re typing.
You can do it. All. By. Yourself.
Michael K
May 16, 2024 at 7:11 am
Purging non-Republican voters is how Republicans think they can win? They stand for nothing but power, control and grift. No wonder they want to end voter registration drives and “souks to the polls.” And don’t assume you are still on the rolls for absentee vote by mail.
May 16, 2024 at 12:57 pm
I have been voting by mail for at least 15 years. Our fantastic “”leadership” in the state wiped away all mail by vote and is forcing everyone to register again. I believe each year. The website seems a little different too, shocker. Lets just confuse us more. :LOL. What a co-ink-y-dink….most voters by mail are NOT republicans. Its sad because a lot of folks dont know this and will be battling for a provisioned ballot when the time comes to vote. Hang on to your wigs. This election is going to be crazy. Be safe out there my fellow Floridians.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:34 pm
Your not re-registering every year tool. You have to actually request the ballot, it is not sent automatically. Your either stupid or lazy. Maybe both
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 5:14 pm
HUNG, you are quick to criticize anybody that you choose, regardless of facts, that makes you an idiot or fool or both. i would say both, but i don’t know the real you, just the online POS you project.
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 7:30 am
This is some fine Southern election interference right here, doing whatever can be done that is plausibly within the law.
When Mayor Davey shows up on election day this November, I hope he’s not surprised when four other liberal leaning voting precincts have been temporarily relocated into his voting precinct/location, just for the day, but zero additional resource have been provided, thus legally manufacturing 4+ hour waits for suppressing the left’s vote count.
Lots of people think Georgia Gov Kemp is some kind of good Republican for refusing to play along with Trump’s election stealing scheme in 2020/21, but no, Trump’s ask of Kemp and Rafflesburger was just beyond reach. It was clearly illegal, so Kemp and them said No. Southern G0Ps are “work the edges” kinds of guys.
If Trump had requested ahead of time for legal election interference in Georgia, they’d have been 100% on board with as much of that as could possibly be accomplished in the available time. They’d even look for ways to manufacture more available time, but again, only where it’s “plausibly legal”
Trump didn’t understand how the game works outside of how to game up in NYC get a rope. But now he knows how things work, so BOLO for every type of suppression or interference possible that’s “plausibly” within the law. It doesn’t have to be legal. The courts might say not to do that again. But it will have been plausible that they “thought it was legal,” allowing for no repercussions or remedies for the voters.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:35 pm
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 5:09 pm
HUNG, you’re saying that truthful facts are boring to you, no wonder you are so lost.
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 6:09 pm
Boring as your mama was last night, Lil? I hope I ain’t boring you THAT much like she does, and yet, you keep going back for more
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 7:17 pm
DSF , that was a low blow you gave HUNG. the little disrespectful punk needs some real justice, but he will probably do fine until he messes up and says something disrespectful to someone like me. nobody that knows me would ever dare being disrespectful to my face. i’m not bragging, i’m just stating the fact that i have my limits where some people don’t.
Ron Forrest Ron
May 16, 2024 at 9:57 am
Voter rolls needed to be purged back in the 1900s because they were rolls. Of paper.
Given computers, what is the benefit in purging voter rolls of anyone who might even potentially still be a valid, eligible voter?
Voter roll purging needs to be justified. A substantive benefit to purging needs to be identified and disclosed and then actually met.
I’ll get us started on a benefits analysis:
Purge folks who moved away.
Yay. They moved away and weren’t going to vote due to living and voting elsewhere, so where’s the benefit?
Purge folks who died
Yay. They did and, despite G0P claims, they weren’t going to vote, so where’s the benefit?
Purge eligible voters
Uhhh. They were eligible. Where’s the benefit? Well, when the purges lean one way or the other, the benefit is election interference that can be claimed to within the limit of the law because their address had the wrong abbreviation for “Lane” or was missing the apartment number or their middle name is missing but they have a middle name, etc etc, inifinte bunch of nonsense
Purge to save paper
Computers are in use now. There is no paper involved.
Now, what groups of folks are purged other than the ones we already covered, Moved, Dead, Eligible and Shouldn’t Be Purged. Oh, duh, Florida!!! FELONS!
Purge felons
If felons are handled correctly, yay, I guess (but do felons who cannot vote still have to pay taxes? If so, not cool).
If, however, as has happened, voter registrations are issued anyways to some felons who are then arrested for voting due to thinking they could vote based on their SOE having issued them a voter registration, is it worth it?
Thus, voter roll purging seems to reside in the electoral Venn diagram where “You’re doing it” meets both “wrong” and “for no legitimate reason”
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:35 pm
Too much of a good thing
John Crosby
May 16, 2024 at 10:26 am
My son is attending UF and his voter registration address was changed without his knowledge. He is registered Democrat so this makes me feel like someone is attempting to make it difficult for young dems to vote. Luckily, it was easy to fix online.
Hung Wiil
May 16, 2024 at 3:36 pm
Bullshit story.
rick whitaker
May 16, 2024 at 5:06 pm
HUNG, prove it is wrong or shut up. you are a ne’er-do- well, and disrespectful twit, grow up you punk.
Dont Say FLA
May 16, 2024 at 6:12 pm
Probably, but also Mr Crosby and his son very likely believe it to be true.
Voter registration can be changed “for your convenience” upon changing other information with the government.
If you’re not paying close attention, you won’t notice the disclosure of the “favor” being done for you with your voter registration being changed.
Dont Say FLA
May 17, 2024 at 1:19 pm
From today’s post about Gossett-Seidman:
Gossett-Seidman ended the 2024 Session with … a measure to protect voters from errantly having their voting registration changed while renewing their driver’s licenses
Dont Say FLA
May 17, 2024 at 1:21 pm
Lil, please tell Rep Gossett-Seidman that voter registrations never get changed without the voter’s knowledge
No typing skills
May 16, 2024 at 5:31 pm
I guess they are using out of country customer service. Or promoting within.with I don’t know what I am doing .
We need a great economy even if your haircut is half wit done
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