Florida Family Policy Council President John Stemberger has resigned his leadership role with the organization he co-founded in the early 2000s.
In an email to supporters, Stemberger said he came to the decision after “an extended sabbatical” in which he took time to “pray, seek God, and consider the future.”
“In consultation with our current board of directors, I have decided to retire from my role as President of FFPC effective January 1, 2024,” Stemberger wrote. “I am not sure what the future holds, but it looks like I will continue to work either in the private practice of law, higher education, conservative policy advocacy, or in the pro-life movement.”
He added that he feels like he still has “a good 10-15 years to make a difference in the world.”
Stemberger will serve as “a behind-the-scenes advisor” to assist with the transition and the process of selecting a new leader for the organization.
“I leave the organization in the hands of a gifted and capable staff, in solid financial condition, and with a strong governing board,” Stemberger wrote. “With your help, over the last few years, I have worked hard to make FFPC not just an organization but an institution to protect marriage, family, and life. I believe we have accomplished that mission.”
Stemberger called the decision a “big step” and said he and his family were “excited about the future” and asked for “prayers for what direction God has for us next.”
Founded in 2004, Stemberger became the organization’s President and General Counsel in 2005. The group has had a full-time legislative staff presence in Tallahassee since 2007.
Its website touts a series of accomplishments including:
— Preventing the State Board of Education from teaching evolution as a fact in 2008.
— Amending the Florida Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman in 2008.
— Launching the Strong Marriages Florida statewide campaign in 2009 to reduce divorce rates through marriage mentoring and other initiatives.
— Helping to pass “five historic pro-life bills” in 2011.
— Increasing voter turnout by 13% in 2012 among religious conservatives, in partnership with Florida Family Action.
— Launching the On My Honor campaign nationwide in 2013 to stop Boy Scouts of America from changing its membership policy to allow openly gay members.
— Creating Trail Life USA, a national Christian scouting movement for boys.
— Launching in 2014 the first annual Pro-Life, Pro-Family Days at the Florida Capitol.
— Defunding Planned Parenthood in 2015.
— Working to pass a bill requiring parental consent for a minor to obtain an abortion in 2020, an effort the group says was “30 years in the making.”
Stemberger himself has been prolific in the conservative movement. He founded the Institute for Conservative Studies at Florida State University in 1987 and, in 1989, served as a lobbyist for Florida Right to Life.
Stemberger was appointed Political Director of the Republican Party of Florida in 1992, during the final campaign for former President George H.W. Bush.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush appointed Stemberger twice to the Judicial Nominating Commission for the Ninth Judicial Circuit, where he served for eight years.
Stemberger’s law firm represented Rifqa Bary, a Muslim teenager who fled Ohio after her father threatened to kill her for renouncing her faith and converting to Christianity.
Dont Say FLA
January 9, 2024 at 11:53 am
Mhmm. What really happened? Did the quietest boy scout turn out not to be all that quiet after all? Can’t wait to hear the real story!
Dorothea Rose 🌹
January 9, 2024 at 7:07 pm
After watching John’s commitment in Governmental issues in the State of Florida over the last 30 years, it is good to know that you can take time to be with your family in an unencumbered way. Your sacrifices and tenacity in fighting the good fight has made a lasting impact on both church and state. You have powerfully led dedicated volunteers and staff , and have garnered the support of generous patrons , which have protected individual and religious rights for 100s of thousands of Floridians and Americans across the nation. We pray that John and Evelyn along with their beautiful family have an opportunity for a whole new adventure of life on the trail. May the tender mercies of God be on the portrait of your lives.
Bill Snyder
January 12, 2024 at 9:42 am
Ecclesiastes tells us …
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. So how shall we live?
What is the meaning and purpose of life?
King Solomon had it all and went after it all.
In the end he stated “all is vanity”.
His ultimate conclusion is “Fear God and keep His commandments”. God bless you John Stemberger!
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