Abortion rights group Ruth’s List Florida is officially backing former Palm Beach Gardens Mayor Rachelle Litt’s campaign for House District 94.
The organization threw its emphatic support behind Litt, one of six candidates running to succeed term-limited Rep. Rick Roth next year, earlier this month.
In a statement, the self-described “only organization dedicated to electing Democratic, pro-choice women in Florida,” described Litt as an “experienced public servant” who is “no stranger to winning tough races.”
CEO Christina Diamond said Ruth’s List Florida is proud to endorse Litt “as she expands her reach of public service.”
“We’re committed to electing strong and experienced Democratic pro-choice women who can be a voice of reason on both sides of the political aisle,” she said. “We need more women like Rachelle who are willing to use a common sense approach that would benefit all constituents.”
Litt, in turn, expressed gratitude for the organization’s support, which followed nods from a handful of elected Palm Beach County women in September.
“It is a tremendous honor to be recognized by an organization that is doing so much to protect a woman’s right to bodily autonomy and her ability to determine her own reproductive future,” she said in a statement.
“In the words of the great Ruth Bader Ginsberg, ‘The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, her well-being and dignity. When the government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a full adult human responsible for her own choices.’ “When elected, I will work to protect access to abortion services, protect a health care provider’s ability to provide safe abortion services and protect a woman’s freedom to make her own reproductive health care decisions without government intrusion.”
In April, Gov. Ron DeSantis quietly signed the “Heartbeat Protection Act” to reduce the timeframe to legally seek abortions to just six weeks, when many women don’t even know they’re pregnant yet.
That measure is currently on hold, pending a Florida Supreme Court ruling on a 15-week ban state lawmakers passed last year.
Litt has made codifying abortion rights into law as a legislative priority if elected to represent HD 94, a toss-up district that runs from the West Palm Beach suburbs to Belle Glade’s agricultural areas.
A resident of Palm Beach Gardens for three decades, Litt first won a seat on the City Council in 2017 and served as Mayor from April 2021 to 2022. In private life, she is a self-employed pharmacist health care consultant, according to her LinkedIn page.
Five GOP candidates are also seeking the seat that Republican state Rep. Rick Roth must vacate due to term limits next year. They include Palm Beach State College professor Christian Acosta, businessman Anthony Aguirre, nonprofit executive Megan Weinberger, psychologist Gabrielle Fox, and Jon Carter, Roth’s former legislative aide.
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