The Florida Democratic Presidential Primary may not be a democratic process, in that voters won’t get to select options that aren’t incumbent Joe Biden.
But in a new statement, the party is affirming its process.
“The process to be on the Florida democratic primary ballot was made publicly available and clearly states that the deadline to submit nominations for the ballot must be submitted to the Secretary of State by November 30, 2023. This is the standard process,” the Florida Democrats assert.
“The Florida Democratic Party followed its process and the State Executive Committee voted unanimously to send one name, Joe Biden, to the Secretary of State as a candidate for the party’s nomination for president. It is not uncommon for an incumbent President to be declared the automatic winner of a presidential primary. In 2011, Florida Democrats similarly voted unanimously for incumbent President Barack Obama. The Florida Democratic Party stands by the decision made by the State Executive Committee and does not intend to circumvent long-established protocols and procedures for candidates who did not receive nominations.”
The seeming attempt to massage the narrative comes as other candidates, who weren’t tuned into Florida’s process, have balked.
“It was posted for months. It wasn’t a secret. There was no conspiracy,” spokesperson Eden Giagnorio told the Miami Herald last week. “They didn’t get any votes. It’s not our responsibility to whip for them.”
One excluded candidate, U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, has said he intends to challenge the exclusion not just in Florida, but also in Tennessee and North Carolina. Phillips claimed he informed the Florida Democratic Party in a timely fashion of his intent to run, with the Florida Democrats countering that it wasn’t aware until two days before the Nov. 30 deadline before the state executive committee voted.
“Unilaterally taking away the right of rank and file Democrats, including a disproportionate number of Black voters demanding a more affordable America, is reprehensible,” Phillips told Semafor earlier this month.
“If Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and lead us to a safer, more affordable future, let him compete for that privilege without his supporters suppressing and disenfranchising millions of voters.”
Republicans are relishing the seeming lack of a democratic process from Florida Democrats.
“I guess rigging a primary isn’t going over well,” observed Republican Party of Florida Vice Chair Evan Power on X.
Then-candidate Biden got more than 60% support in the 2020 Primary, with Bernie Sanders barely clearing 20% in second place. While it’s likely Biden would have done even better against Phillips and Marianne Williamson, a repeat candidate who seems to have little path to getting delegates, Florida Democrats clearly are standing by their decision not to find out.
Earl Pitts "The Ronald's Un-Official Campaign Manager" American
December 11, 2023 at 10:34 am
Oh look America,
An article about Florida Democrats “”Standing Behind” 8iden …. but somethings missing ….. HHhhhhhMMmmmmmm now ….. what could be missing ….. ????
There is missing even one Florida Democrat willing to allow their name to be published as “Standing Behind 8iden”.
No not one.
Thank you America
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 5:20 pm
December 11, 2023 at 11:40 am
The DEMOCRATIC People’s Republic of Korea chooses their candidate in the same manner.
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 5:00 pm
jeff, bad comparison. the dems want to beat trump and that is THE most important thing for us dems to focus on. look at the sham the gop primary is, trump is the candidate, all this primary crap is a waste. in other years things might be different, but this time trump’s defeat is aa that matters. remember the al gore election?
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
December 11, 2023 at 11:59 am
“Hypocrite” is the word that comes trippingly off the tongue here. Let the voters decide, Joe.
Larry Gillis, Cape Coral
Libertarian candidate for State Representative
Earl Pitts "The Ronald's Un-Official Campaign Manager" American
December 11, 2023 at 4:33 pm
Big Lar …. I, Earl Pitts American, like you.
I wasent sure about you at first, Big Lar, but now I honor you with “The Libertarian Great American Patriot Medal Of Honor”
Thank you “Big Lar” you are a fine American Patriot
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 4:38 pm
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 4:50 pm
larry, the voters have decided, they don’t want trump. nothing else matters. libertarians are monday morning quarterbacks, their vote don’t matter, all they do is gripe.
Linda Oneal
December 11, 2023 at 5:12 pm
Bull Crap. Say what you want, but Americans don’t want a Socialized President that is in bed with China, and numerous other foreign countries and enjoys a beach house paid for with illegal funds. Biden is a liar, crook and thief that is a bumbling, mumbling old moron.
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 5:18 pm
linda, you are a full blown maga cultist, your opinions are a pack of trumper lies. good day.
December 12, 2023 at 6:32 am
You tell him!! Stupid Dems don’t get it. He might be an a-hole, but knew how to run the country. Biden is killing us. You vote for B. Again and see where we end up.
rick whitaker
December 12, 2023 at 7:08 am
mari, trump is way more than just an ahole, he is very dangerous. too bad you are unwilling to see things the way they actually are. i guess you are a maga cultist and have blinders on.
Bob Barquer
December 11, 2023 at 12:10 pm
The fact they are using Obama as an excuse is ridiculous. Obama didnt have anyone primarying him. Biden does, so we should get to vote on the candidate we support.
Nikki Fried and the FDP were not clear that this was an official vote, nor did they say to anyone (the very few who were there) that no other nominations would cancel the primary. The were purposely vague. This is voter suppression and election rigging.
Furthermore, they did this “vote” a month before the deadline and didnt respond to repeated requests from the campaigns on what to do to get on the ballot.
Nikki Fried is corrupt, and will go down as being a worse chair than Manny Diaz.
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 12:41 pm
bob barquer, the dems of florida remember what happened when bush got elevted. ralph nader sunk our party. the whole iraq war might have not happened if bush had lost. no one, maybe you, wants to take a chance on losing to trump solidarity around biden is insurance that biden will win. al gore would have made a good president. sometimes the big picture should be considered.. florida seems to be a corupt state, all dems should focus on beating trump as heavily as we can period..
Earl Pitts "The Ronald's Un-Official Campaign Manager" American
December 11, 2023 at 4:43 pm
Bob, go easy on Rick, he’s one of us, and just under deep cover gathering data for us Patriots on the oppisition. Shhhhh, Bob, keep this on the “Down Low” as Rick has to risk life and limb pretending to be a Dook 4 Brains Lefty. If “they” found out I would have to go in with the Navy Seals and rescue Rick from the evil Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s.
Thanks Patriot Bob,
Earl Pitts American
rick whitaker
December 11, 2023 at 4:45 pm
My Take
December 11, 2023 at 10:27 pm
Go down as being a worse chair than . . .
Christian Ziegler?
My Take
December 11, 2023 at 10:29 pm
Trùmpy openly wanted to be unoppsèd and simply named the nominee.
Comments are closed.