The Donald Trump campaign is previewing Ron DeSantis’ debate on Fox News Thursday night with Gavin Newsom, and true to form, their spox is slamming the Florida Governor.
“At the debate, Ron will flail his arms and bobble his head wildly, looking more like a San Francisco crackhead than the Governor of Florida. This isn’t a prediction. It’s a spoiler,” asserted Steven Cheung Thursday.
Cheung had nothing flattering to say about the California Democrat facing off with the Governor, calling Newsom a “grade-a loser.”
But the San Francisco slam is especially cutting, given DeSantis’ reliance on the city as a trope illustrating the worst failures of California liberalism.
The Governor’s campaign visited the city in June, at which point it issued a one-minute video slamming its decay.
“We’re here in the once great city of San Francisco,” he said. “We came in here and we saw people defecating on the street. We saw people using heroin. We saw people smoking crack cocaine.”
“You look around, the city is not vibrant anymore. It’s really collapsed because of leftist policies. These policies have caused people to flee this area,” he added.
The street defecators and associated detritus took center stage in many DeSantis speeches thereafter.
“I’ll tell you, it’s personally shocking when you roll into San Francisco and within five minutes, you see somebody defecate on the sidewalk. Then you see people doing, smoking crack, you see people doing fentanyl, you see all this and all these businesses boarded up, energy from the place is totally sapped, no vitality,” DeSantis lamented in New Hampshire in June.
“Don’t tell me it doesn’t affect people’s lives. I was just in San Francisco. I saw — in 20 minutes on the ground — people defecating on the sidewalk. I saw people using fentanyl. I saw people smoking crack right there in the open, right there on the street. It was a civilization in decay,” the Governor said at a Faith & Freedom Coalition event the same month.
November 30, 2023 at 6:08 pm
November 30, 2023 at 6:09 pm
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My Take
November 30, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Imagine what he would have seen in London in its world class heyday in Eliźabethian times.
My Take
November 30, 2023 at 6:12 pm
“Guardy loo!!”
My Take
December 1, 2023 at 1:17 am
It çould be worse. It could be to the much mentioned feces.
M. Mouse
December 1, 2023 at 4:36 pm
Could’ve been worse! He might have called him a defecating San Francisco crackhead!
The Truth
December 2, 2023 at 11:51 am
I live in Miami, FL. We have the same problems here. Ron loves to criticize other states for the same problems he hasn’t fixed. We actually have many more problems since he became governor.
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