The Special Session dealing with Florida’s position on the Israel-Hamas conflict is over now. Yet a Jacksonville Democrat who was aggrieved by the tone and tenor of the debate in the House is seeking censure of a Republican colleague from Brevard County.
Rep. Angie Nixon tells Florida Politics that she will send a letter to House Speaker Paul Renner Monday calling for formal reprisals for Rep. Randy Fine in the wake of her failed resolution to urge a cease-fire in the war in Gaza.
“I would hope he doesn’t want this type of stain on his Speakership,” Nixon said.
Asked if there was support for such a measure among Democrats, of whom all but two sided with Republicans in rejecting her measure, Nixon said “this isn’t a caucus issue. This is a human rights issue.”
Fine, unsurprisingly, sees the matter much differently.
“Angie Nixon was humiliated when her pro-Hamas resolution was repudiated by every Republican and Democrat legislator save one. She is now doubling down with inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric. I will not further dignify her thirst for attention,” the GOP legislator texted Friday afternoon.
In a series of posts to X Friday, Nixon outlined her dissatisfaction with what she called “vile, hateful & incendiary things that have been said in the FL House, as well as publicly & on this app” from Fine and others.
“You have sitting FL legislators calling for the total annihilation of a group of people on the chamber floor. You have some sharing photos of Palestinian babies laying dead in rubble with quotes saying ‘Thank You.’ You have them calling colleagues terrorists,” Nixon said.
“And simply because I wanted to address the continual demonization of the entire Palestinian community, I filed a resolution denouncing not only Islamophobia, but antisemitism, racism & ethnonationalism as well. It’s literally in the resolution,” Nixon added. “How can I, a Black Woman that is a part of a marginalized and demonized community, sit around and not speak up for innocent lives that had nothing to do with the horrible terroristic actions of Hamas. The entire Palestinian People do not represent Hamas.”
Nixon’s latest moves against Fine, the only Jewish Republican in the Florida House, comes after he was instrumental in the turfing of her resolution.
He questioned Nixon’s use of the phrase “occupied Palestine.”
Nixon contended Palestinians lack “freedom” and “basic necessities,” including even the access to water. Fine countered that prior to Oct. 7, Israelis did not occupy the Gaza Strip.
“That’s outside the scope of my resolution,” the Jacksonville Democrat said.
Fine continued his line of argument, noting Israelis departed Gaza in 2005, pressing Nixon on whether Gaza was occupied. She offered no meaningful response.
Fine questioned Nixon’s assertion of how many Palestinians have been killed, noting the data comes from Hamas itself.
“You are repeating a number that is given by terrorists,” Fine added, pressing Nixon on how many Palestinian casualties are “terrorists.”
“There are hundreds and thousands of children that have died,” Nixon said.
Speaker Renner did not respond to our request for comment on this drama. If and when he does, this piece will be updated.
November 10, 2023 at 4:24 pm
Once again it takes a Black woman to put a man that has become unhinged in his place. He can scream all he wants but there must be someone humane in this insanity. Learn from our going into Iraq for false narratives
November 10, 2023 at 10:30 pm
Americans can’t handle the truth about why and how we invaded Iraq — better to sleep walk, soundlessly whistling past the graves of countless innocents.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 10, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Good evening Patriots,
Ms. Nixon would benefit herself greatly if she could locate a wise and sage political advisor.
Unfortunately there is not such an advisor who specializes in assisting Dook 4 Brains Leftist politicians.
That America is why I, Earl Pitts American have appropriately monikerd all Leftist politicians with the 100% descriptive Dook 4 Brains designation.
Technically they can’t help it because most of them spent 1/3 of their lives staring into the hypnotic light of their cell 📵 phones.
Thank you America,
Thank you America,
Rick Whitaker
November 11, 2023 at 6:15 am
My Take
November 10, 2023 at 4:54 pm
In the unlikely event that Fine had a falling out with Satan, Satan would probably be in the right.
Ocean Joe
November 10, 2023 at 5:08 pm
Free Palestine so one more failed Arab state can arise. Unlike the Persian Muslims, maybe women can bare their hair and not be beaten to death. Unlike Afghan women, maybe Palestinian women will be able to attend school. Unlike Saudi women, they may be allowed to drive cars.
Folks the concept that a 7th century mentality is going to bring freedom to anyone is absurd.
Let Ms. Nixon push for peace, let her watch videos made by Hamas of their dirty work. It has been said that at least the Nazi soldiers were ashamed of what they did while Hamas celebrates.
The crowds that gathered to cheer the taking of hostages are the same crowds now suffering what Hamas has brought them.
November 10, 2023 at 10:26 pm
Read online Israeli newspaper Haaretz in English if you were looking for a balanced approach — not that you seek one. You’d rather be ahistorical and islamophobic, a form of anti-semitism, derived ultimately from medieval Catholicism.
My Take
November 10, 2023 at 5:10 pm
“God said: ‘Let there be Man,’ and from the clay
Adam came forth and, thoughtful, walked away.
The matrix whence his body was obtained,
An empty, man-shaped cavity, remained
All unregarded from that early time
Till in a recent storm it filled with slime.
Now Satan, envying the Master’s power
To make the meat himself could but devour,
Strolled to the place and, standing by the pool,
Exerted all his will to make a fool.
A miracle!-from out that ancient hole
Randy Fine, lacking nothing but a soul.
‘To give him that I’ve not the power divine,’
Said Satan, sadly, ‘but I’ll lend him mine.’
He breathed it into him, a vapor black,
And to this day has never got it back.”
After, Ambrose Bierce
November 10, 2023 at 10:12 pm
My Take
November 10, 2023 at 10:20 pm
! ! !
November 10, 2023 at 11:12 pm
soul hit
Impeach Biden
November 10, 2023 at 7:57 pm
Sour grapes Angie. Your resolution bombed and you are simply lashing out and proving you are an anti semite. Remember Angie, you are a state legislature and represent your constituents in Florida and not a strip of land half way around the world.
November 10, 2023 at 10:33 pm
Perhaps you should explain this theory of yours to Ron Dee, too. Or, does it not apply to your Great Leader?
Impeach Biden
November 11, 2023 at 5:26 am
Do you really believe she would ever have any chance at all of holding a state wide office in Florida? No chance. She can spot off her junk in her little district she supposedly represents.
November 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm
You’ve set up a series of straw men, then knocked them down.
November 10, 2023 at 9:49 pm
Hate to say it, but this Angie Nixon seems to sound and act like a genuine a****le. It’s politicians like her – in this case Democrats like her – who give others such a bad name. Ugh..
November 10, 2023 at 9:52 pm
– Maybe she fancies herself to be an imaginary member of “The Squad” in Congress? Good luck trying for re-election, Angie… 😉
November 10, 2023 at 10:15 pm
Nixon won’t have any trouble getting reelected in her Bluval district.
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