Florida’s Governor is continuing to disparage his main opponent in the 2024 Republican presidential race.
During remarks in Tampa, Ron DeSantis claimed that Joe Biden didn’t lose the election, so much as the former President lost it.
“I don’t think anyone voted for Biden. They were voting against Trump. That’s why they did it. Let’s be honest,” DeSantis said, noting that even a reanimated John F. Kennedy wouldn’t “energize” Democrats the way Trump did in 2020.
He went on to say that if Trump were elected, he’d be a “lame-duck President” and wouldn’t have the two-term runway DeSantis would have.
DeSantis also noted that while Trump “won by 3” in 2020, he “won by 20” in his re-election battle.
“We need a President that’s got energy. We need a President that’s going to be full throttle for eight years,” DeSantis said. “We don’t need any more Presidents that have lost the zip on their fastball.”
Asked about Trump’s fundraising advantage, meanwhile, DeSantis wondered how much of the money was going to “lawyers” for the former President’s various legal imbroglios.
These comments are the latest in a series in which the Governor derided Trump’s performance in 2020.
During a Sept. 28 interview on Fox News, the Florida Governor and 2024 presidential candidate contended that during the 2020 Election, the current Democratic President defeated Trump in the first debate of that cycle.
“You know, I remember back in 2020 I had a big party in Tallahassee for that first debate that Trump did with Biden. And the reality is Biden beat Trump in that debate, and I don’t know how you could lose to Biden in a debate. But that happened,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis did not say that Biden won the 2020 debate at the time, of course. But his willingness to embrace that talking point is the latest attempted provocation to the former President whose endorsement made him Governor.
Previously, DeSantis questioned a poll showing Trump ahead of Biden by nearly 10 points. Earlier this year, he finally admitted that “of course” Trump lost the 2020 Election.
During last week’s presidential debate, DeSantis said Biden was “completely missing in action from leadership. And you know who else is missing in action? Donald Trump is missing in action.”
“He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt, (which) set the stage for the inflation that we have now,” DeSantis added.
Biden’s political team didn’t miss the opportunity to turn a selective DeSantis quote into an anti-Trump ad.
That’s right. pic.twitter.com/SI9hNEOEEJ
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 28, 2023
Earl Pitts "Dook 4 Brains Leftist Expert" American
October 5, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Good evening America,
Stand By For News:
And that, America, is ALL The Failed Biden Sadministration has to hope for in 2024.
But as you all recall when I, Earl Pitts American, pick up my phone and make that much anticipated call to Donald, he will withdraw from the POTUS Race and order his supporters to vote Desantis, one and all.
So America there will be Zero chances for the Never Trumpers to poison the well by pooping in the well like they did way back in 2020.
Earl has “Spoken Truth To Dook 4 Brains” yet again.
Many of you like JD, Rick Whittiker, Sonja Fitch, and Ocean Joe and others are coming around to an understanding of Earl’s preaching and Earl’s associated wisdom. Many of you are starting to question all the perverse Dook 4 Brains thoughts, actions, and perverted sexual things you are ashamed of having engaged in.
And thats normal,
I Earl Pitts American, will help you find salvation so you may Lay Beside The Still Waters. Restoreth Your Soul, And Yea Though You Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death. You Shall Fear No Evil.
Be Blessed in 2024 America,
October 5, 2023 at 6:14 pm
STFU Shitts. EarL with the big “L” for “LOSER” – like Ronnie is first loser to Trump (who is first loser to Biden).
Who’s your boy’s Daddy EarL? It’s Biden. Because FL disaster, Old MoRon has his hand out to that delicious FEMA money.
The only wisdom you have is grift, nepotism, and cronies of DeSantis.
The only way DeSantis has an inkling of a chance is if they make it so Trump cannot run, but he won’t carry a general. People are tired of the alt-right’s bullshit.
The special elections are showing the democrats over performing because of it.
And it didn’t have to be. DeSantis could have been the “Chosen One” and brought balance to the GOP. Instead, he joined the lunacy circus that’s their “big tent” of clowns.
Earl Pitts "Earl's His Name Politics Is His Game" American Super-Man
October 6, 2023 at 8:56 pm
Thanks JD,
You and Rick’s wacky leftist nonsensical replys really are what has propelled just an ordinary every day working shmo like me, Earl Pitts American, into the vaulted rare air of one of The World’s most major most infulential of the On-line Influncers ever.
I’m making so much money, thanks to you guys, my support crew, that it ought to be against a law or something.
Thanks again guys,
October 6, 2023 at 9:29 pm
Nobody cares Shitts.
This will come back and bite them all in the ass.
Fine’s getting attacked by Nazi’s. That Jerry Farwell look-a-like is getting what he sowed.
DeSantis is losing on multiple fronts: presidential campaign, Disney, etc.
Then there’s Fed level ass munches of Gaetz, Donalds, and et al. Gaetz the ButtHead is about a RPH (red pussy hair) away from getting expelled from his own party or caucus, Donalds has long been Tokeniezed.
You’re a part of that ever descending down into the sewer clown show.
I’m a moderate independent that was turned away by the far-right chicanery of the Republicans these days. That’s the only reason I look like a LIB to you. The needle for the right is so far off the gauge.
I’m more like the other 2.7M FL independents. The Republicans are neither conservative, or of Family Values these days. True RINO’s. And 2024/2026 is going to show it.
And you know the sad part? They could have had their Red wave and DeSantis could have been the chosen one had the party got rid of Trump and stopped being extreme.
But they didn’t.
Oh and STFU Shitts.
October 6, 2023 at 9:31 pm
Nobody cares Shitts.
This will come back and bite them all in the ass.
Fine’s getting attacked by Nazi’s. That Jerry Farwell look-a-like is getting what he sowed.
DeSantis is losing on multiple fronts: presidential campaign, Disney, etc.
Then there’s Fed level assmunches of Gaetz, Donalds, and et al. Gaetz the ButtHead is about a RPH (red p*ssy hair) away from getting expelled from his own party or caucus, Donalds has long been Tokeniezed.
You’re a part of that ever descending down into the sewer clown show.
I’m a moderate independent that was turned away by the far-right chicanery of the Republicans these days. That’s the only reason I look like a LIB to you. The needle for the right is so far off the gauge.
I’m more like the other 2.7M FL independents. The Republicans are neither conservative, or of Family Values these days. True RINO’s. And 2024/2026 is going to show it.
And you know the sad part? They could have had their Red wave and DeSantis could have been the chosen one had the party got rid of Trump and stopped being extreme.
But they didn’t.
Oh and STFU Shitts.
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 10:35 am
hey mr. ” dook for brains ” why do you even try? your comments are lies, hateful, inane, cultish, not funny, lame sarcasm, childish, perverted, anal, chauvinistic, crazy, boot kissing, annoying, undemocratic, racist, tired, dated, boring, disrespectful, nasty, bitter, atrocious, meaningless, vile, distasteful……. should i go on, no i think even a dolt like you gets it. grow up you 82 year old POS
Ocean Joe
October 5, 2023 at 5:39 pm
Yes, Biden was elected as the alternative to Trump, and the same exact thing will happen again if the GOP nominates Desantis. He’s actually just as polarizing minus the orange jumpsuit and Jan 6.
October 5, 2023 at 6:16 pm
This. 100%
I think it’s going to be worse for the FL GOP because he’s going to come home mad and kick the dog (FLGOP) to make them do something stupid.
Then the voters are going to lash out at them (if not already going to do so).
My Take
October 5, 2023 at 7:34 pm
There are more universities and collèges to degrade.
October 5, 2023 at 8:49 pm
In 2020 Americans were voting against Republicans.
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
My Take
October 5, 2023 at 9:52 pm
I think DeSScumis has a moderate chance for nomination.
Trump seems ever closer to tripping over the mental/behavioral edge.
My Take
October 5, 2023 at 10:06 pm
His blabbing of even nuclear-submarine secrets, for exàmple, will not faze his MAGA worshipers, but some far lesser infraction regarding a trial may finally trigger a judge.
My Take
October 5, 2023 at 11:12 pm
The serial ketchup pitcher was already pretty close to the edge.
The final fall may well be dramatic.
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 10:55 am
“SERIAL KETCHUP PITCHER” that was hilarious, good work, are you a comedy writer?
October 5, 2023 at 11:12 pm
Ron has only one pitch, a fast ball.
Biden has an assortment of pitches — curve, knuckle, and screw.
My Take
October 6, 2023 at 1:46 am
The Dems need to be prepared to pour out a targeted tale of plànne0d fàscism no matter who wins the nomination.
Ùse their own quotes
woke to the DeSantastan
October 6, 2023 at 7:36 am
Rona is wrong. I voted for Biden. Also, as an old timer, I can state unequivocally that anyone who starts a sentence with “to be honest” or “let’s be honest” is a LIAR. Rona is, in my opinion, a LIAR. He seemingly will say or do anything to try to be President. We don’t need him to be in office, but rather in a cell. He sure looks cute in his white rubber boots, however. Maybe he can work at Disney World along side of Goofy and Daffy. Or even in pirates of the Gulf of Mexico which can be a new attraction! LOSER
October 6, 2023 at 9:20 am
Maybe if he spent sometime in Florida and helped with our insurance disaster, it would be a positive look for h I s campaign.
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 10:58 am
no, that would be serious leadership, something he knows nothing about.
Sonja Fitch
October 8, 2023 at 5:44 am
Absolutely!!!! And Americans shall vote out the MAGA rejects ! Common good! The world is coming to an end! I have agreed with Chris Christie and now the scum DeSantis !
October 9, 2023 at 2:24 pm
Wow! No wonder he is behind on the polls! Americans voted for Biden because 45 led the attack on our own Nation. Governor white boots can’t separate himself from the same ‘white supremacist’ hate groups, both their political bases, and the polling and lections showed this fact!
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