Ron DeSantis got a hero’s welcome — and a key endorsement — in Tulsa Saturday, ahead of a speech heavy on applause and the high points of the Governor’s record.
“I believe he is the right guy to beat Joe Biden and to be in office for eight years,” said Gov. Kevin Stitt. “I am officially 100% endorsing Ron DeSantis for President.”
DeSantis hailed the “tremendous endorsement” from Stitt, vowing to “do him proud,” ahead of a speech where he outlined the path to “American renewal.”
Stitt’s endorsement continues Oklahoma momentum; DeSantis has already been endorsed by 20 legislators in the state, including Rep. Jon Echols, Majority Leader of the Oklahoma House.
The familiar talking points were there: the reference to a “Faucian dystopia,” along with bashes of Democratic Governors Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom, the former formerly of New York and the latter still running California.
The ban on Chinese land purchases (“no farmland, no nothing”) and the ban on “woke banking” also got strong applause. Denunciations of DEI and amplification of “election integrity measures” were also crowd pleasers, as was a strong stance against the World Health Organization, “vax mandates,” and “transgender ideology.”
The ritual denunciation of “woke” got an amen from one crowd member, as did the Governor’s comments on the military having “lost its way.”
“People don’t want to join a woke military,” DeSantis said, vowing to “rip it out by the roots” on “day one.”
Public polling of the Sooner State is scant, but one survey from March showed DeSantis competitive with former President Donald Trump.
As first reported by The Oklahoman, Trump held a modest 9-point lead over the Florida Governor. In a survey from Cole, Hargrave, Snodgrass and Associates, 38% of the 300 registered Republicans polled said they back Trump, with 29% preferring DeSantis, and 11% of voters saying they are undecided.
Other candidates were farther back in the survey, as 6% of respondents said they backed either former Vice President Mike Pence or former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. An additional 4% said they backed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, the winner of the 2016 Oklahoma GOP Primary. Cruz has ruled out a 2024 run to concentrate on his Senate re-election campaign.
bigotry starts with DeSantis
June 10, 2023 at 6:18 pm
it amazes me is how much bigotry we have in this country. We’re lucky we survived. Trump almost literally destroyed the country. And I have DeSantis playing fascist and unfortunately people support it.
Stephanie Anderson
June 11, 2023 at 9:12 am
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Thomas Kaspar
June 10, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Fantastic hurricane recovery performance .
Michael K
June 10, 2023 at 6:46 pm
That anti-woke schtick is stale, and MAGAts can’t even define what it means. Folks who think realize that the opposite of “woke” is to be asleep, as in a coma. Poor little Ron D is against almost everything except guns and death sentences, and stands for nothing except spewing whatever corny little insult it takes to get a MAGAt vote and destroying every public institution he touches with those little fingers. Dragging us back to 1953 is not a winning strategy.
But the Nazis are all in for him – I’m sure he mentioned that to the crowd of white people.
Dont Say FLA
June 11, 2023 at 10:35 am
“Woke” is just the new N-word they can say in public and not just to their kids at home.
June 10, 2023 at 7:20 pm
Good evening America,
The OK Govornor, Kevin Stitt’s family, is actually related to the Earl Pitts American family. During Reconstruction the OK Govornor’s family was still using the sur-name Pitts. Then they migrated out to the Okahaloma area. The early state agent miss-spelled the family’s name ad Stitts on a land deed. One thing lead to another and the family became locally known as the Stitts family which owned the Stitts Double S Ranch.
There America, you are welcome for today’s “This Day In History” brought to you courtsey of me, Earl Pitts American.
Earl Pitts “Historian” American
June 10, 2023 at 7:26 pm
Every stupid policy or crazy “endorsement” instituted by Ron DeSantis gets sent as an email attachment with photos to everyone I know across the USA. Today’s submission was the Nazi’s for DeSantis rally at Disneyworld! What an embarrassment!
DeSantis will never be president! Not in 2024 or ever!
Republicans are America’s biggest problem!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
June 10, 2023 at 7:58 pm
Good afternoon Peter H,
Those “Dispicable Nazi” prostesters have proven to be dook 4 brains eff bee eye agents in disguise trying to smear The Ronald and The Donald.
America, lets get real for a moment:
Ya know what annoys me, Earl Pitts American? Well I, Earl Pitts American am about to tell you:
Every RINO out there always qualifying their statements about the corrupt eff bee eye by saying stupid crap like this:
“We are just disgusted at the corruption at the higest levels of the eff bee eye but”….(and here comes the part that whizzes me off)….”the the rank and file eff bee eye agents are all great hard working wonderfull Americans and BLA BLA BLA BLA”
Are you RINO’s kidding???? The corruption in the eff bee eye has ran too long, too deep, and totally unchecked for decades.
Honestly folks the time to stop with your dook 4 brains rank and file agents being great disclaimers passed many years ago STOP IT ALREADY.
Now its just like saying “Well sure Hitler was a monster but the rank and file SS Agents were really great and wonderful people’.
What idiot would say something like that about Hitler’s SS rank and file monsters? Nobody!!!
So stop it already with the rank and file agents of the eff bee eye. The entire agency needs to be shut down while we decide what needs to be done about that former agency in the future.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
June 11, 2023 at 7:24 am
Folks here in this military dictatorship called USA tend to get confused and extend to FBI agents their “thank you for your service” gratitude platitude.
This is not a military dictatorship? Oh pardon me. Isn’t that when the men with the guns control everything? That’s what I thought “military dictatorship” meant. Since it’s not the men with the guns, who is it that controls everything here in USA? Joe Biden at the moment? lol
June 11, 2023 at 9:10 am
Not that difficult to believe folks in Okie support Republican candidates- last Dem governor there was in the 1960s. But I fear Stitt and the good people there have been bamboozled about who DeSantis really is..
Apologies to the late Laura B. but Okies from Muskogee listen up:
“Ronia I think we got your number, Ronia
I think we got the alias, Ronia
That you’ve been living under, Ronia,
But you really don’t remember,
Was it something that we said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Ronia?
Rhonda's 102 years late
June 11, 2023 at 10:00 am
Ron DeSantis, the Tulsa race massacre was in 1921.
You are 102 years late with your hate.
Press Corp Dinners? Rhonda?
June 11, 2023 at 10:42 am
Rhonda has promised to pardon Trump on day one. Could somebody please ask if Rhonda will have Press Corp Dinners, though?
I suspect Rhonda is as humorless as his idol Trump, meaning no Press Corp dinners. Again.
Today’s GOP – They can only dish it out. They can’t take it. Obama could and did. Biden can and does. Thin Skin Trump and Bent Knee Rhonda? NOPE.
No Press Corp dinners from Rhonda, I bet. No Press Corp dinners from Trump, and that’s historical facts.
That’s all you need to know about how tough those self-proclaimed tough guys really are. They can’t even joke about their own involvement with the silliness we call politics.
Rhonda and Trump, sitting in a tree…
Oklahoma National Guard
June 12, 2023 at 12:52 pm
Being that Rhonda has Florida’s National Guard out on his campaign tour in Texas, maybe Gov Stitt could spare some Oklahoma National Guard for Miami for tomorrow?
Wait, what was that? Oh, dang, Rhonda has the state jet flying more migrant workers to California. No can do, getting anybody to Miami in time to prevent another MAGA riot.
The Donald tricked Rhonda by taking a Sharpie and drawing two extra days onto the 3 day cone forecast of the MAGAcane coming to Miami tomorrow. Rhonda thinks it’s on Thursday. Stupid Rhonda.
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