A new survey of the 2024 Florida GOP Presidential Primary reveals a 20-point lead for Donald Trump over Ron DeSantis.
In the Sunshine State Battleground Poll conducted from May 31 to June 2, the former President commands 53% support, with DeSantis at 33%.
No other candidates are remotely competitive: Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy all register 2% support, with others even farther back.
Only 3% are undecided in this survey.
The segmentation reveals some interesting divides, including by gender. While 58% of men prefer Trump, versus just 24% backing DeSantis, women are much more evenly split, with Trump up 46% to 43%.
Most age groups prefer Trump by large margins, with DeSantis most competitive among voters 65 and older, where he trails 45% to 36%.
DeSantis is also more competitive in some regions than others, including a statistical tie in the Orlando area, with Trump and the Governor each drawing 43% support. Trump only leads by 10 points (48% to 38%) in North Florida and the Panhandle.
DeSantis also leads among one educational cohort. While he’s behind with high school graduates, those with some college, and those with advanced degrees, he leads 45% to 42% with those who have Bachelor’s Degrees.
Though the sample sizes are small, DeSantis also leads with those who are widowed and separated, while married, single, and divorced people prefer Trump.
Polling of the Florida landscape has been all over the place so far.
In May, a Victory Insights poll revealed a dead heat, with DeSantis and Trump each drawing 38% support.
A National Research Inc. poll commissioned in May by American Greatness shows Donald Trump ahead of the Florida Governor, 42% to 34%.
In a Mason-Dixon Polling and Strategy survey conducted in late March, DeSantis was ahead of Trump, 44% to 39%, with other names far behind.
A March survey of 443 Republican Florida voters from Emerson College shows the former President up 3 points over the Florida Governor. Trump took 47% of those surveyed with DeSantis taking 44%.
The Florida Governor had 52% support in the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab survey of the race conducted early in March, 25 points ahead of Trump.
Meanwhile, a January survey by Suffolk University and USA Today found Trump was the choice of 47% of those surveyed, while 40% preferred DeSantis.
#Floridiot For Prezzie
June 4, 2023 at 3:29 pm
Gracious! Will *anyone* vote for Ron?
‘I will bring tons of bacteria-infested sea grass to your state, too!’
‘I will lose cities to Democrats like I did last month in Jacksonville!’
‘I will have property insurers flee your state just like Florida!’
‘I will make your state an international hashtag pariah! #floridaman’
Dont Say FLA
June 5, 2023 at 10:31 am
“I will keep children safe from Drag Queens (lol) but never from bullets,” he says without the lol
June 5, 2023 at 11:18 am
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Impeach Biden
June 4, 2023 at 3:37 pm
These polls are rigged. The media is all in with getting Trump on the Republican ticket. The media knows that basement hiding Biden can’t beat DeSantis, but he can certainly defeat Trump.
Ocean Joe
June 4, 2023 at 5:47 pm
Desantis does himself no favors. Not even with Republicans.
And Biden got up before the 10-count. You lose again.
Impeach Biden
June 4, 2023 at 7:53 pm
And you would vote for that senile old fool? Inflation, fuel prices, border chaos, border annexation by Putin and China to follow shortly. What is it? Is dementia man giving you free internet or something?
President Joe Biden
June 4, 2023 at 8:32 pm
Dear Landlord,
I, your tenant, President Biden, ask you to please upgrade the microwave. Yea, I know I live here in your mind rent-free, but still…
Earl Pitts American
June 4, 2023 at 8:49 pm
So true IB,
Nobody in America cares about WHY Trump lost. A loss is an 3ffin loss. By loosing Trump gave us Old Joe and America is whizzed off at Trump about that.
Early polls have ALWAYS been 100% leftist propaganda. Which truthfully means the left really Really REALLY knows they will 100% roll Trumps @55 again.
If Trump is nominated and ends up being the candidate that just means enough RINO’s and DC Swamp Creatures are condeeding the election in advance to the left before it even begins. And our Great Nation iwill totally screwed beyond recovery.
We must run Desantis for the win. None of the other conservatives are a viable choice. No not even Trump.
Dont Say FLA
June 6, 2023 at 8:59 am
China has a leader. Name of Xi Jinping. Do you avoid using his name because you’re ignorant or you are writing to ignorant readers or what? Say His Name, IBS. Say His Name. Xi Jinping.
Now, how exactly will Putin or Jinping annex the US border when we share no border with either of Russia or China? Any if, somehow, they did do that, wouldn’t they be better than US politicians at securing the border? I mean why not hire Kim Jong-un to be in charge of the border? He does a great job of border control in North Korea. Trump loves him. He loves Trump. Kim Jong-un would actually get that wall built, unlike Trump or DeSantis, the Kim Jon-un Wannabee Fanboys.
June 5, 2023 at 9:02 am
Lol. The old Basement Biden insult. Ouch. Who is sitting in the Oval?
Dont Say FLA
June 5, 2023 at 10:34 am
The media and the pollsters ain’t hanging signs on people’s front fences and gates saying “Trump Won” or “Trump 2024” but I’ve already seen them cropping up. I have yet to see a single Ron DeSantis sign ANYWHERE. Not even one. Everybody Hates Rhonda.
Dont Say FLA
June 5, 2023 at 5:08 pm
DeSanits is the one rigging the polls. He goes out and meets and greets people and then his poll numbers immediately drop because people liked the abstract notion of “Trump but not Trump” but then Rhonda showed up and Everybody Hates Rhonda. Casey is only playing him with this campaign that seems so bizarre and ridiculous, trying to be Trump in Trumpism when you’re Rhonda not Trump, but Casey is aiming for Mrs Musk which she figures has a nice ring to it. 20 carats at least.
It was an inspection
June 6, 2023 at 8:53 am
Biden wasn’t hiding in the basement. He was down there “inspecting the secure facility.” And that wasn’t Biden. That was Trump.
June 4, 2023 at 3:58 pm
Regardless of the State …..Voters in the Republican Party DO NOT decide the outcome of a National Election!
Independent voters, who for the most part, are highly educated, moderate politically and pro business …..decide elections!
Here are the Florida political affiliations by Party;
DEMOCRATS 4,834,794
TOTAL VOTERS 14,449,245
As you can see ….. unless Independent voters are included in the poll survey ….. the primary outcome is quite predictable in a closed primary….
Today’s Republican Party must be destroyed before it can eventually be rebuilt into a viable political party. Join us at the Lincoln Project to help us destroy the MAGA influence in today’s America.
Republicans are America’s biggest problem!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
Republican with a Brain
June 4, 2023 at 9:50 pm
People WAKE UP. DeSantis is a proven RINO . He is anti Business and his actions have proven that.
DeSantis is dangerous for America and his wife is worse as his ex aides have come out and outed him on the fact that he makes a decision leaves the room to talk to her and comes back and changes his decision.
Democrats and independents need to do this nationwide to keep DeSantis out of the general election. Prior to your states primary re register as Republican and vote for Trump ten after the primary go back and re register to what you were before the primaries
Those who are saying DeSantis will beat Biden are not educated as latest polls showing DeSantis will lose to Biden
Earl Pitts American
June 5, 2023 at 9:21 am
Thank you Rep Without a Brain,
A carefull review of your mis-information screed above reveals you to be a dook 4 brains leftist posing to be a “Republican” giving out advice to REAL Republicans.
I am sorry for you because all the members of my, Earl Pitts American’s Fan Club, see through your subtrifudge and will all be mentally chastizing you for the remainder of this week.
My advice to you Mr. “Dook 4 Brains Without A Brain” is to stay inside your home for the remainder of the week and avoid handeling power tools, sharp objects, or anything that could be of danger. With the full awsome might of the entire, Earl Pitts American Fan Club’s powerful chastizment falling upon your “Fool Head” for an entire week theres no telling what kind of bad luck will drop like a bolt from heaven on you.
If you work, I, Earl Pitts American, strongly suggest you stay home and pretend to heve a bad case of the poops for a full week to avoid termination due to the powerfull chastizment. Remember: Do NOT drive or operate heavy machinery for a full week.
It’s not nice to pretend to be a Republican, at best you are a RINO, however my, Earl Pitts American’s, initial investigation into you indicates you are far more dangerous and nefarious than a run of the mill RINO.
Fan Club: Let the chastizement begin!
Thank you America, thats one less clear and present danger to our Great Nation we have to worry about for an entire week while we have this fool cowering in his home under Earl Pitts Ametican Fan Club chastizment.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
June 5, 2023 at 5:05 pm
Orange Ape leads Grumpy Smurf in Florida. Rest of USA watches, horrified, but cannot look away.
June 5, 2023 at 8:27 pm
I love seeing DeSuckthis finally getting put in his place.
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