Rep. Tracie Davis has branded herself as the “true Democrat” in her Senate Primary battle with Jacksonville City Councilman Reggie Gaffney, but new television and mail from Gaffney’s political committee disagree.
“Tracie Davis thinks Florida can’t afford Medicaid. Floridians who need health care can’t afford Tracie Davis,” reads the mail piece.
The claim on the flip side: Davis “voted to cut $550 million from the state budget,” when she cast a “yes” vote for the Rick Scott budget that imposed said cuts.
That budget included appropriations projects that benefited local communities, including the J.P. Small baseball park, an appropriation that Davis advanced. Davis got a “bad for Floridians” rating from one progressive group for voting for the budget, but got a “B” overall that year from them.
Gaffney is backing this up with television since July 21, with a voiceover saying “nobody knows” why she cast the vote and didn’t care that the cuts were “devastating.” That ad closes with a call to “thank Gaffney for standing up for seniors,” calling him the “real Democrat.”
Davis has yet to go fully negative on Gaffney in a mail piece yet, but we expect that is coming soon.
Meanwhile, Gaffney has been spending heavily. The week from July 2 through July 9 saw his political committee spend nearly $147,000, with the vast majority of that spend going toward TV and radio advertising. He has roughly $175,000 to spend at this writing between his campaign account and his committee. Davis has roughly $250,000 unspent yet and she, unlike Gaffney, has not been on television this cycle.
The Primary will likely decide the overall winner in this race for what is an open seat to replace term-limited Audrey Gibson. Republican Binod Kumar filed and closed the Primary, though the district leans Democratic.
Joe Corsin
July 25, 2022 at 1:38 pm
Vote RED for hardcore grifters, liars, and filthy right wing propaganda pushers.
Vote RED for capitalist crooks like Rick Scott.
Vote RED for machines replacing humans and humans becoming slaves.
Vote RED for far right terrorists
July 25, 2022 at 2:57 pm
I received a flyer from this man making the claim she didn’t vote for the medicaid measure. I checked with Ballotopedia and researched her votes.
There were 3 measures offered. She voted “no” on the second version, and ultimately voted “yes for the final law. This was a false ststement from Gaffney, and he needs to be called out for his dishonesty.
And you should have done your research, instead of taking his word at face value. He cannot be trusted, and apparently, neither can your “reporting.”
July 26, 2022 at 8:11 am
You just said he didn’t go negative in a mail piece yet and then show a picture of a negative mail piece at the bottom. She has also been on TV. Try to do some fact checking or proof reading next time.
Julie Peterson
July 27, 2022 at 11:12 pm
The article states that Tracie Davis had not gone negative but that Gaffney had and showed Gaffney’s negative mailer. As far as the TV, perhaps they meant political commericals, since they were speaking about political mailers before? I can’t really speak to that part, as I do not consume TV or news in that way.
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