Republican Rep. Toby Overdorf raised more than $25,000 in June and spent $17,574 in his bid for a third House term, representing the renumbered House District 85.
And even though he is fending off a Democratic challenger, he has enough to be generous to his fellow Republicans.
Between his personal account and his committee, Heavens to Oceans, he has a total of $135,812 to beat back a challenge from Democrat Curtis Tucker, a retiree from New York state politics now driving for a ride-sharing service.
His opponent is getting support from the Martin County Democratic Party, but Overdorf’s donor list has some star power. He received $1,000 from Valor PAC, a super PAC affiliated with Rep. Brian Mast. The Martin County Clerk of the Court chipped in $100, as did Andrew Treadwell, Indian River State College President, Pruitt campus. Ted Astolfi, CEO of the Martin County Economic Council, donated $50.
His biggest single check was for $2,500 and his campaign received three of them: from a subsidiary of Florida Power & Light, Julio Del Ray, a Coral Gables hotel owner, and Jorge Del Ray, a Hialeah real estate investor. Richard A. Morton, a Palm Beach Gardens capital manager, sent $2,000.
Other PAC donations he received in June were the Hospital Corporation of America’s West Florida Division, based in Tallahassee, which gave him $1,000, and Associated Industries of Florida, which chipped in $500.
The biggest expenditure Overdorf lists in June were $4,580 to himself for campaign expense reimbursement, with $2,099 of that reimbursement going to lodging, airfare and an event ticket.
Overdorf’s campaign sent $1,000 to the campaigns of Republican Rep. David Smith, running for re-election in House District 38; Republican Alexis Calatayud, running for an open Senate seat in Miami, and Martin County Commissioner Stacey Heatherington, who is running for re-election.
Real estate, development and construction interests accounted for the sector donating most to Overdorf’s campaign in June, giving him $5,850 in donations. Beverage distributors collectively gave him the second-most of any other sector — $3,500 worth of donations. Waste and recycling companies also gave, as did a fireworks distributor and a roofing company.
His opponent is Tucker, a Harvard-educated professional who retired from a statewide affordable housing trade association in New York, following a stint working in the New York State Assembly.
Tucker raised $3,500 in June and loaned his campaign $1,600. Three different Martin County Democratic clubs have donated $2,500 for his bid. His June expenses came to about $2,000. After those expenses, he was left with $3,087 for his campaign.
House District 85, renumbered from House District 83, straddles Martin and St. Lucie counties, from Palm City to Port St. Lucie. The district voted for President Donald Trump by 6 percentage points over President Joe Biden, according to Matt Isbell of MCI Maps.
The campaigns were facing a July 8 deadline to report all campaign activity through July 1.
One comment
Joe Corsin
July 18, 2022 at 9:58 am
Vote RED for buying politicians for the super rich
Vote RED for blaming Democrats for being unable to clean up GOP messes fast enough every other 4 years or so
Vote RED for far right propaganda and dangerous lies
Vote RED to continue shoveling money to the rich and blaming Democrats for the fallout
Vote RED for crony Capitalism and low wage slavery
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