- Allen Ellison
- assault rifles
- Ben Sorensen
- Boca Raton
- Brady PAC
- Campaign advertising
- Christine Scott
- Darlene Swaffar
- Democratic nomination
- Florida's 23rd Congressional District
- Fred Guttenberg
- Gun safety
- Jaime Guttenberg
- Jared Moskowitz
- Jim Pruden
- Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
- Mark Napier
- new gun law
- Parkland
- red flag laws
- senate
- shooting
- Steve Chess
- Ted Deutch

Congressional candidate Jared Moskowitz’s first television advertisement hit about 80,000 email inboxes Wednesday — previewing his efforts to pass more gun safety laws in Florida.
Moskowitz is a front-runner in the race to succeed Democratic U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch of Boca Raton in Florida’s 23rd Congressional District that spans Broward and Palm Beach counties.
And according to his latest effort, he’s going to be aiming at bettering the nation’s gun laws, if elected to Congress. The ad will be a “big buy” hitting TV airwaves soon
The 30-second ad features Fred Guttenberg, the father of Jaime Guttenberg, one of the 17 killed during a 2018 shooting rampage through Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
“I never imagined my life would be about gun violence,” Guttenberg says, as he looks over pictures of his daughter with soft piano music playing in the background.
Guttenberg, now a senior advisor to the progressive gun control group Brady PAC, highlights how Moskowitz, then representing northwest Broward County in the Legislature, sprang into action shortly after the tragedy that also wounded 17 others at the Parkland school that Valentine’s Day.
“This legislation could not have passed without an elected Democrat like Jared Moskowitz,” Guttenberg says in the advertisement, along with a scene of the Legislature breaking into applause.
Within weeks of the tragedy, Florida became one of just a handful of states with “red flag” laws that allow judges to take away individuals’ guns because of recent threats or acts of violence. Florida also has a law prohibiting anyone younger than 21 from buying an assault rifle like the one the Parkland shooter used.
That provision also sets the state apart from many.
“The work he did is the reason we have lifesaving gun legislation in Florida,” Guttenberg says.
Moskowitz’s campaign did not have the final details on how much airtime it intends to buy for the ad.
But the email discusses how the recent gun legislation that Congress passed doesn’t mean the work on tightening gun laws is over. The new law passed last week is needed, but not sufficient, Moskowitz said in his email.
“We need universal background checks. We need nationwide red flag laws. The minimum age to purchase a gun nationwide needs to be 21. And we must ban assault weapons,” the email said. “I’m ready to bring the fight to Congress with the support of Fred Guttenberg and people like you who care about our kids, our safety, and our future.”
Guttenberg’s part in the ad ends with him saying, “I will always love Jared for what he did.”
The congressional race to fill the vacant seat that represents northwest Broward County and southern Palm Beach has Democrats Allen Ellison and Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner Ben Sorensen competing with Moskowitz for the Democratic nomination.
Other candidates in the race are Joe Budd, Republicans’ previous congressional nominee; Steve Chess, a retired chiropractor; Christy McLaughlin, a lawyer; Coral Springs resident Myles Perrone, Jim Pruden, a lawyer, and Darlene Swaffar, a Deerfield Beach insurance broker and Ira Weinstein, a lawyer. Mark Napier and Christine Scott, who are not affiliated with a party, are also running.
The district, which stretches from Boca Raton to Fort Lauderdale, leans heavily Democratic and whoever wins the Democratic nomination for the seat is expected to go to Congress.
June 30, 2022 at 11:47 am
Hava Holzhauer is also running for this seat. She is the only woman running in this race when women are being attacked in every way…by our government, and by guns.
South Florida has been touched by the scourge of gun violence too many times, and the standard response from so many politicians is “thoughts and prayers.” Hava will stand up for us and work to get weapons of war off our streets, while advocating for common sense gun reforms that are supported by the vast majority of Americans. She’ll fight for expanded background checks, red-flag laws, and crack down on ghost guns. As gun violence is an epidemic, Hava will also advocate to let organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study gun violence and help create real solutions to stop the killings in our communities.
Jared helped to start but Hava will fight the fight and put the safety of all of us at the forefront.
Christine Scott
June 30, 2022 at 11:52 pm
Hi Meredith,
Hava is NOT the only woman in the race.
Full term abortions are murdering children. 2nd and 3rd term are completely unnecessary unless the mother’s life is actually in danger. Women’s lives do matter. God made guns so women can protect themselves. A pregnancy test can be bought for $1.25 at the local Dollar Tree. No woman wants a 2nd or 3rd term abortion. The problem is that many women have to save for it, which delays the procedure.
The government needs to step in to ensure every woman can get the day after pill, at a sliding scale, including free if need be. Some women have medical that doesn’t cover abortions and they are barely getting by but don’t qualify for medicaid. We don’t want these women to fall through the cracks and be forced to have unwanted babies or late term abortions. We need to cover them, not victimize them.
The CDC is a private agency that has no business dictating vaccines, particularly when it creates and patents them. It certainly has no business being involved in whether or not American citizens are armed. The root of the problem is not the gun. Venezuela become a communist country after the citizens became disarmed.
Every US politician takes an oath to support and abide by the US Constitution. Citizens have a constitutional right to bear arms… and that doesn’t mean muskets.
Christine Scott
Candidate for Congress – FL D23
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