- ABC Fine Wine and Spirits
- Anthony Brunson
- AT&T
- Becker & Poliakoff
- Charles Bailes III
- Dotie Joseph
- El Portal
- Election 2022
- Florida Dental Association
- Florida Psychological Association
- Florida Recyclers Association
- Gold Coast Beverage
- HD 108
- House District 108
- Jason Pizzo
- Jess Bailes
- Liberty City
- Miami Shores
- Microsoft
- North Miami
- PinPoint Results
- Protecting Coastal Communities
- redistricting
- Roy Hardemon
- Vertex Pharmaceuticals
- Victory Now

Incumbent Rep. Dotie Joseph raised more than $11,000 for the second consecutive month in October, putting further financial distance between herself and former Rep. Roy Hardemon, who is running to win back the seat representing House District 108 he lost to her in 2018.
Joseph now holds more than $79,000 between her campaign and political committee, Victory Now.
Hardemon, a fellow Democrat who filed in September to again run against her, has yet to report any fundraising or spending.
Joseph’s biggest gains last month came from the health care and alcohol industries. The Florida Psychological Association gave her $1,250, her biggest single contribution last month. Boston-based Vertex Pharmaceuticals donated $1,000. The lobbying arm of the Florida Dental Association gave half that.
From the alcohol sector, Beer distributor Gold Coast Beverage chipped in $1,000. So did ABC Fine Wine and Spirits Chair and CEO Charles Bailes III and Jess Bailes, the company’s executive vice president.
Other contributions included $1,000 from a Microsoft stakeholders group, the lobbying arm of Duke Energy Corp., and Protecting Coastal Communities, a soon-to-be-closed political committee associated with Democratic Sen. Jason Pizzo.
Joseph also received $500 donations from Fort Lauderdale law firm Becker & Poliakoff, the South Florida lobbying arm of AT&T, Palatka-based private recycling industry group Florida Recyclers Association and Tallahassee-based government strategies firm Pinpoint Results.
Joseph spent slightly more than $150 last month, mostly on general housekeeping costs. She spent $40 to reimburse herself for food and paid $75 to accountant Anthony Brunson of Miami.
The heavily Democratic-leaning HD 108 currently covers part of Miami-Dade County, including the municipalities of El Portal, Liberty City, Miami Shores and North Miami.
However, one redistricting plan submitted last week would move HD 108 north of and including part of the town of Davie in Broward County to cover parts of Sunrise and Plantation.
If that plan is approved, what was once HD 108 would be split up between newly drawn House districts 97, 98 and 101.
Candidates faced a Nov. 10 deadline to report all campaign finance activities through Oct. 31.