Gov. Ron DeSantis hopes more COVID-19 treatments, including Eli Lilly’s and GlaxoSmithKline’s antibody cocktails, will soon be readily available in Florida.
The Governor has spent more than a month in a hard push to promote Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody treatment. Despite previously downplaying Eli Lilly’s version for not being as effective against the delta variant, DeSantis was more optimistic about the option on Tuesday as he spoke in St. Cloud.
Florida is looking into how it could make those options readily available. Monoclonal antibody therapy, as produced by Regeneron, is a therapeutic available when a person at high risk for severe infection tests positive for COVID-19 or is exposed to the virus.
“I think you’re going to see, hopefully, an expansion with some of these other monoclonals, which will be good and hopefully will prove to be as effective as Regeneron,” DeSantis said.
Florida chose Regeneron over other options, DeSantis has said, because the federal government has made it free for states and hospitals to draw down, because it can be administered with a shot, and because it provides better results than others against the delta variant, which was largely responsible for this summer’s record-breaking surge.
Eli Lilly’s version is available through the federal government again, and DeSantis said GlaxoSmithKline’s formula is on the market.
Each state-run monoclonal antibody treatment site can offer the therapy to more than 300 people daily. Wait lists at some sites are now days long despite the treatment being more effective the earlier someone receives it. Having other treatments would help increase supply even though they must be administered through an IV, which takes longer.
Critics have attacked DeSantis for not promoting vaccines as enthusiastically as he has promoted the Regeneron treatment during the surge and for taking campaign dollars from one of the company’s executives.
When asked by reporters about his stance on vaccines Tuesday, DeSantis called them “our top preventative measure” and, together with the antibody therapy, are “just different sides of the coin.” And he defended his decision to dedicate the last few weeks to opening Regeneron treatment sites across the state.
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” DeSantis said. “We saw that people didn’t know about this. We saw that a lot of people in the medical community didn’t know about it or didn’t know it was available, so we felt the need to come in and do it.”
Other treatment options may also be available soon. COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer is developing a pill to treat symptoms at their onset. The pill entered later-stage clinical trials last week, and it may be ready for public use in a matter of months.
DeSantis pointed to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to back up his stance on promoting treatments.
“Even Pfizer now has said … you know, the battle against COVID is not just vaccines. It does require treatment,” DeSantis said.
Earlier in the day in Lakeland, DeSantis took a jab at White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci as he has many times before. This time, he criticized the nation’s preeminent health expert for once saying COVID-19 surges would cease if 50% of the population was vaccinated. That milestone has passed, and surges continue.
That was more fodder for the Governor as he continued attacking vaccine mandates.
“If the idea is that having herd immunity, you force everyone to do this, and that will create herd immunity, that has not happened,” DeSantis said.
September 7, 2021 at 3:55 pm
Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines!!
Harvard needs to take it’s JD back from this useless bag of far right noise.
September 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm
Vaccines don’t stop the spread. Look at the countries with the highest vaccination rates….their cases are exploding. Even if you had 90% vaccination rate in Florida, the virus would still be spreading. People will still be going to the hospital.
September 7, 2021 at 10:40 pm
That’s a lie.
The only way to stop the spread is to not get infected and spread it to other people. Best done with a vaccine.
Did you know?…
You have a 1 in 5000 daily chance of contracting Delta if you’re already vaccinated.
Translation for ignoramuses;
It’ll take you 13 and a half years to get infected with Delta on average.
September 7, 2021 at 11:35 pm
Oh yeah, you are the guy I already corrected your nonsense on this earlier today here;
Florida’s long, hot, ‘sad’ COVID-19 summer
So you decided to keep lying huh?
Sad little far right fool.
September 7, 2021 at 3:55 pm
Not including the exorbitant costs of extended Covid hospital stays ….. the cost and infusion of the Regeneron cocktail is twenty times the cost of a Covid vaccine.
The American taxpayer is picking up the tab…. Florida is solely reliant on the Federal Government to pay for Florida’s deliberate intransigence on promoting wearing a mask in public venues, getting vaccinated and frequently washing hands.
As you may be aware the State of Florida is far from a self-supporting State. Our economy is dependent on blue state contributions to keep our State afloat. For every dollar Florida sends to the US treasury the State receives $4.50 in return. Florida is the third largest recipient of Federal aid …..
September 7, 2021 at 9:24 pm
Peter H, the Regeneron was paid in full by POTUS 45 administration.
Brilliantly done. If anything 46 has not promoted it as they are to busy promoting Pfizer & vac #3. 46 still has not named a FDA comm, 9 months in. Two FDA scientists in charge of boosters resigned over this WH interference. M
Renzo, preeminent Fauci? Really ? He’s been wrong on everything. I was a fan decades ago. I don’t believe he has ever done a interview with charts & graphs explaining anything. Never!
No street credibility.
Yes peter h, that’s all DeSantis’s fault right? He saved Florida’s economy.
What would have Fraud and crispy critters done. Lockdown. The mass FL populous knows he’s on their side.
64,000 new jobs announced last week.
Renzo, the onslaught of FP attacks upon America’s Governor is not unnoticed. Peter. Alex and other Manchurians spoon feed this crap.
Just embarrassing.
September 7, 2021 at 10:31 pm
12 time proven liar.
September 8, 2021 at 7:44 am
Facts bust your balls.
You need a transplant Alex, Che Guerava.
Florida facts:
64,000 new jobs fact.
5.1% unemployment fact
Most Seniors vaccinated fact
First schools to open fact.
Expanded school scholarship program.
On and on.
DeSantis the leader in America.
No FDA commish.
2 FDA scientists resigned last week over WH interferences
Alex, You are an idiot! Proven multiple times. Peter H associated with predator org.
September 8, 2021 at 7:54 am
Fact Regeneron paid all up front by 45, at no cost to anyone to use.Fact.
Lies from AP & Florida media. Fact
Brilliant by Gov DeSantis to utilize. Fact
Alex once again disproven.
Pearl Council
September 7, 2021 at 4:10 pm
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September 7, 2021 at 5:01 pm
Renzo – good information but the the normal Florida Politics bias. It obvious you will criticize and find fault with everything DeSantis does. time to grow up and embrace truth and facts, not embellishment and liberal spin
How about just the truth and facts.
Oh and speaking of the truth – have you started to shave yet????
September 7, 2021 at 7:22 pm
Facts like this is a temporary emergency treatment for those too stupid to get vaccinated like a responsible human being, and it provides ZERO protection from getting infected again in the future, so you STILL have to get vaccinated?
Yeah, we know about Republican alt-facts.
September 7, 2021 at 9:32 pm
Yes Charles, relentless.
Late last night and earlier today, two old retread articles on fake Polls.
The recent one had more Dems in the sample size. Leaned towards non affiliated Dems.
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