- Anika Omphroy
- Anna Eskamani
- Ben Diamond
- Bobby DuBose
- Carlos Guillermo Smith
- Carlos Smith
- David Silvers
- Dianne Hart
- Dotie Joseph
- Emily Slosberg
- Evan Jenne
- Fentrice Driskell
- Geraldine Thompson
- James Bush
- Joe Geller
- Joseph Casello
- Joy Goff-Marcil
- Kamia Brown
- Matt Willhite
- Michael Gottlieb
- Michael Grieco
- Nicholas Duran
- Patricia Williams
- Ramon Alexander
- Susan Valdes
- Tracie Davis

Democratic House Co-Leaders Bobby DuBose and Evan Jenne have named the minority party’s leadership team for the House’s various committees.
Twenty-four Democrats will lead the party across 31 committees and subcommittees. Reps. Tracie Davis, Anna Eskamani, Joy Goff-Marcil, Emily Slosberg, Carlos Guillermo Smith, Geraldine Thompson and Matt Willhite were each named ranking members to two committees. In addition to leading the party at-large, DuBose will be Democrats’ top budget negotiator.
“The Florida House Democrats are excited to get to work to help the people of Florida,” DuBose said in a statement. “This year has been incredibly difficult, but we look forward to advocating for bold solutions to the public health and economic crisis that’s gripping our state. Government exists to be of service to the people, and right now the people need immediate help.”
DuBose and Jenne together make the first ever pair of co-caucus leaders in the House. DuBose remains the official Democratic Leader while both split duties.
“I’m very excited about our list of ranking members,” Jenne said. “We have a good group of passionate Representatives who will fight hard to help the people of Florida. This session will be critical, the health of countless families and small businesses hang in the balance. What we do in the coming months will set the course for Florida’s recovery over the next several years.”
Ranking members serve as the highest level among the minority party. In both the House and the Senate, Democrats are in the minority. If power shifts between parties, ranking members are typically favored to chair committees and subcommittees.
House Speaker Chris Sprowls named committee chairs last month. Unlike his Senate counterpart, Wilton Simpson, Sprowls did not name Democrats to any leadership positions.
Earlier this month, the House Speaker announced committee assignments. In that announcement, he noted that Democrats ranking leader picks would go live on the House website after party leaders submit their choices.
Before Session begins in March, committees will hold interim meetings beginning next month to get a head-start on the legislative process.
Below is Democrats’ complete list of ranking members:
Appropriations Committee: Bobby DuBose
Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee: Anika Omphroy
Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee: Kamia Brown
Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee: Geraldine Thompson
Infrastructure & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee: Dianne Hart
Justice Appropriations Subcommittee: Michael Gottlieb
PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee: Matt Willhite
State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee: Joy Goff-Marcil
Commerce Committee: David Silvers
Insurance & Banking Subcommittee: Matt Willhite
Regulatory Reform Subcommittee: Anna Eskamani
Tourism, Infrastructure & Energy Subcommittee: Emily Slosberg
Education & Employment Committee: Patricia Williams
Early Learning & Elementary Education Subcommittee: Tracie Davis
Secondary Education & Career Development Subcommittee: James Bush
Post-Secondary Education & Lifelong Learning Subcommittee: Geraldine Thompson
Health & Human Services Committee: Nicholas Duran
Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee: Susan Valdés
Finance & Facilities Subcommittee: Dotie Joseph
Professions & Public Health Subcommittee: Carlos Smith
Judiciary Committee: Fentrice Driskell
Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee: Ben Diamond
Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee: Michael Grieco
Pandemics & Public Emergencies Committee: Joseph Casello
Public Integrity & Elections Committee: Tracie Davis
Rules Committee: Joe Geller
State Affairs Committee: Carlos Smith
Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee: Ramon Alexander
Government Operations Subcommittee: Emily Slosberg
Local Administration & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee: Joy Goff-Marcil
Ways & Means Committee: Anna Eskamani