For the first time in recent memory, signs of life stir in the General Election in Florida’s 4th Congressional District.
Though Democrat Donna Deegan faces long odds in the Northeast Florida canton that includes Nassau County and select parts of Duval and St. Johns, her campaign is hunting where the ducks are … by targeting Republicans on Fox News.
“I believe that many of you watching Fox News right now still vote for the person, not the party,” Deegan said in the spot.
“I realize I’m asking many of you to cross party lines to vote for me. But I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t willing to do the same in Congress,” Deegan added.
Running in a Republican +20 district, willingness to work across party lines is a prerequisite message, especially since incumbent Rep. John Rutherford trumpets his own bipartisan bona fides.
A media release from the Deegan camp outlined the rationale for the buy in her own words.
“This grassroots campaign isn’t taking any vote for granted. The reality is many people I hope to represent get their news from Fox.” Deegan said.
The question may be not whether this was an audacious play, but if it was too late.
According to the Rutherford campaign’s Tim Baker, the principal architect of the Congressman’s reelection bid, Republican excitement has been surging in CD 4 throughout this cycle. Turnout for Republicans in the district currently out-paces that of Democrats and NPA voters, he noted.
“So if Donna is winning 100% of Democrats and NPAs and Rutherford is winning 100% of Republicans, Rutherford is winning. In other words, not much hope for Donna inside those numbers knowing that even more Republicans are coming out on Election Day,” Baker said.
Baker also noted that “we have run an absolutely positive campaign without so much as mentioning her in any of our communications.”
“This is because Congressman Rutherford has a tremendous record of success and delivering results for northeast Florida and the voters know him and trust his decades of service. Deegan’s lies have been rejected by the voters so there’s been no reason to go start telling the truth about her radical record…so when it’s all over she’ll know that her false negative campaign and out of touch ideas are what sunk her in this race and nothing else.”
October 27, 2020 at 4:00 pm
Sonja Fitch
October 28, 2020 at 6:13 am
Deegan is one bright savy white woman! She wiped up the floor in the debate with Rutherford! Rutherford had to get out of JSO cause of his racist leadership! Folks in Northeast Florida have watched Rutherford continue his bs “white man Racist privilege.” Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common good!
October 29, 2020 at 5:48 am
Voted in September and voted red… not caring for any democrats in office. Time to make our country right! Drug addicted do Not apply!! Shameful of him to ever of run!
October 29, 2020 at 5:53 am
Voted red! No drug addict should ever run… shameful! Thankfully DeSantis won!
October 29, 2020 at 1:21 pm
Donna Deegan cannot be faithful to even her husband(s). She had 2 children with Dan Hicken (sports journalist First Coast News) when she was an anchor at First Coast News & cheated on Dan with Tim Deegan (weather man at First Coast News), left Dan & married Tim (I remember her Catholic educated Bishop Kenny children were devastated & rightfully embarrassed, it was public knowledge. THEN she cheated on Tim while they were living at The Landmark in Jax Beach. Of course she chose the Democratic Party, she will fit right in with The Clinton’s, Pelosi, Shiff, Weinstein & Epstein. Don’t throw shame & blame on Rutherford! He was a great Sherrif & Donna knows it.
A city who stood by you & felt for you, even ran with you, you’re now calling racist & literally forgetting who you are at your core. A cheater! I wish Rutherford would remind everyone of her character. Character counts.
October 29, 2020 at 1:29 pm
Plus, she was shocked Gillum didn’t win Florida? Isn’t this the guy who was under investigation at time of gubernatorial election in Florida? The same guy who was found naked in his own vomit in a hotel room with a MALE escort, while married with children to a
Woman? Is that who she is mourning? Donna, showing her true
Colors. Lovely!
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