How’s it going, Orange County?
The Orange County’s Economic Recovery Task Force has launched an Economic Recovery and Consumer Confidence on-line survey to gauge whether residents are comfortable going back out into the community, and what they’re expecting.
Specifically, the survey will measure what it will take to get business running again in Orange County, which like the rest of the state, is in Phase One of Gov. Ron DeSantis coronavirus crisis reopening, with local restrictions or waivers enacted by the county or the various cities, from Orlando to Edgewood.
A task force set up by Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings will use the results to direct the county’s emergence from the coronavirus economic lock-down.
Launched Wednesday on SurveyMonkey.com, the questionnaire already had been filled out by nearly 3,000 people by late morning Thursday. County officials hope to hear from 10,000 before they wrap it up sometime around the end of the month.
The survey is available in three languages — English, Spanish, and Creole.
The survey begins with a broad question: “How concerned are you about businesses enforcing social distancing guidelines and other proper COVID-19 prevention health protocols (e.g., wearing masks/face coverings)?”
From there, the questionnaire tries to assess how eager people will be to go out to restaurants or stores in the next three or four weeks.
Are people more likely to go into a restaurant or store that requires all employees to wear masks?
What about such a requirement for customers as well?
Would temperature checks of employees make a difference?
What about temperature checks for patrons as well?
The questionnaire also inquires about residents’ general and personal outlook for Orange County’s economic future over the next six to twelve months. Questions inquire about the general economic outlook, expectations for the jobs situation, and consumer prices, and also about what individual respondents already are experiencing.
There are no health-related questions in the survey or about whether people have contracted COVID-19, know someone who has, or fear that they might.
One comment
Margaret Blustine
May 14, 2020 at 3:09 pm
I ask why?? Is deadly santis going to phase 1 now phase 2 when accurate new positivecases.which daily for months still 600 over 800 last sevl days??? Never peaked yet never flattened never complied fedl guidelines.800 daily is 5600 weekly another 24000 more in 4 weeks.800 now will certainly increase.de santis states daily cases positive by using positivity basis which makes numbers half what are.he controls where when how much testiNguyen daily.then he takes total testing for day number sees percentage of positive cases and ues that Low percentage number for false new positI’ve daily number.instead of straight out real new positive daily.to get away with this trick he calls on TV positivity basis he doesn’t do testing where mayors are begging for it in black and Hispanic communities. Because percentage sick be too high use his fake formula. No governor would stay open much less phase 2 at 800 plus still daily and majorityou days 2 months.is reason fla has steady daily increasing.he said this week declined more than last week.last week accurate state fla dept health and John Hopkins new cases were 38828 this week true cases were 42394.addl 3560 new positive cases this week and still increasing.it is totally irresponsible to stay open with 800 new cases or more majority days for 2 months. He lies uses rigged inappropriate positivity based formula that never matches accurate much higher daily increases.he and trump want obviously to kill as many as can see if any left.won’t be enough workers or customers by end june now for yrs.how stupid and deadly open phase 2 in still high number increasing hotspots to appease short-lived open businesses who will now crash faster worse than his loose 1st order that backfired too.he’s irrational getting over 500000 tests from trump so he can use fake positivity forMula for false declining numbers when everybody can see rite high daily total increases posted.it’s deadly and murderous to so blatangle ignore every fedl guidelines for safely opening and blatantly be blindsided by trump doing same path of total destruction to america.he wants herd immunity and 100 million dead plus americans but all models show takes 3 yrs.in meantime so many sick ongoing constantly infected workers totally shuts economy down by August in nation and June end in fla.don’t they see what happened other countries opened too soon and they did strict lockdowns.trump has failed so catrosphically and unhinged de santis doing same. It’s an abomination of lits tricks and not caring.america will make both answer for this as will the world.
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