The Florida League of Cities launched a comprehensive coronavirus resource website on Thursday to help municipalities protect residents from the impact of the novel coronavirus.
“Our member cities are constantly sharing strategies and working closely with each other, and this webpage is another resource to utilize in this global battle against the coronavirus,” said FLC Executive Director Michael Sittig.
“As the information on our webpage continues to grow, we hope cities can use it to see what other cities have done, stay updated with state and federal news and apply what they learn with the resources in their own communities. We are incredibly proud of the herculean efforts of the leadership and staff of Florida’s 412 cities, towns and villages.”
The website includes links to cities’ coronavirus pages; local emergency declarations; funding and technical assistance; and other local, state and federal resources.
The group will update the site daily with more information about various plans and projects to protect residents, reduce the potential spread of the virus and respond to current cases.
The site will also share information from the Florida Division of Emergency Management, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and other state and federal partners and agencies.
So far, the site includes more than 100 links to coronavirus-related resources.
Some of those include:
— Local Coronavirus Webpages.
— Local Emergency Declarations and Orders.
— Local Ordinances and Policies.
— Local Government Resources.
— State and Federal Funding & Technical Assistance.
— State & Federal Resources.
— Recent News.
— Print Resources.
The Florida League of Cities is also providing text message alerts to members and is launching a bi-weekly webinar to provide local assistance to those who want it.
So far, 390 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Florida in every region of the state, though not in every county. Eight people have died of the virus so far.