Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg put President Donald Trump on blast ahead of the State of the Union address.
In a new ad hitting television airwaves Tuesday, Bloomberg lays out an alternative narrative in “The Real State of the Union.”
“The real state of the union?” a narrator states.
“A nation divided by an angry out-of-control president. A White House beset by lies, chaos and corruption. An administration that has failed the American people.
“It doesn’t have to be this way.”
Bloomberg’s campaign said it’s important not to let Trump redefine his tenure as a success story.
“Even before his speech, it’s easy to predict that President Trump will lie about his record and the negative impact his presidency has had on the American people,” said Bloomberg press secretary Julie Wood.
“This new ad fact-checks and contrasts him with Mike Bloomberg — the strongest candidate to beat Trump in November.”
As important as the message is its broadcast schedule. The campaign purchased time on MSNBC, Fox News, CNN and YouTube.
That should reach a broad range of demographics and voters interested in the presidential election.
While the advertisement chiefly lays into the incumbent, Bloomberg lays out his own optimistic future, one where he’s in the White House.
“Next year, we can have a leader who brings people together who solves problems and gets results,” the ad says. “Mike Bloomberg will get it done.”
Bloomberg has largely forgone the traditional path to winning the Democratic nomination. The former New York City Mayor skipped campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire and instead has blasted airwaves nationwide and in larger states, like Florida.
The televisions ads on national news networks ahead of one of the most watched political speeches of the year shows that latest investment in wholesale politics.
In 2019, an estimated 46.8 million people watched the State of the Union Address, according to Statista.
D-U-M-P T-R-U-M-P 2020 !!!
February 4, 2020 at 1:04 pm
Good goin’, Mike! The only way to beat a bully is to confront him and bully and beat him on his own terms! When Trump takes the low road – you don’t take the high road to beat him – you take an even lower road – and you throw his bullshit back at him in spades! Most bullies are cowards (as Trump has proven himself to be by being a draft-dodger) and can’t handle anyone actually standing up to them and fighting back.
February 4, 2020 at 6:40 pm
The Ultimate Nanny who wants to lead the Nanny state. No Guns, No Soda, No Freedom for you… cause the Nanny knows best. MiniMike can twist and Lie but the Socialist Oligarchy wears it as a badge of honor so frisk him for that one. Will he mention Blacks, Hispanics and teenagers have lowest unemployment in HISTORY? Or historically the highest number of Americans are working today? Will he mention the bottom 50% has avg. wage increase of 36% while top 50% has 16%, closing the wage gap. Or will he promise to take everyone’s guns so no one can resist government control over everything. Maybe a gulag for Free Market thinkers?
February 5, 2020 at 11:57 am
Who? Never heard of the midget!
Sonja Emily Fitch
February 6, 2020 at 6:16 am
“ACQUITTAL” BS. There was no trial. There was no evidence submitted. There were no witness called. MOSCOW MITCH and the el al goptrumpers have now aided and abetting a traitor in having American elections hacked by foreign governments for the Impeached Trump’s own personal gains.
February 6, 2020 at 10:39 am
Little late for a trial at the senate level dumbo! House should have done it!
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