Florida Planned Parenthood’s Political Action Committee will be launching a $2.5 million campaign this year to elect two more state Senators to the Legislature.
The PAC also plans to oppose lawmakers who support restrictions to abortion, such as requiring minors to get their parent’s approval before getting an abortion. Sponsors of those bills are Republican State Sen. Kelli Stargel of Lakeland (SB 404) and State Rep. Erin Grall of Vero Beach (HB 265). Pensacola Republican Rep. Mike Hill’s heartbeat bill (HB 271) that bans abortion as early as six weeks has not yet received a committee hearing date.
Planned Parenthood members and local activists gathered at The Capitol over the weekend to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the first Women’s March in 2017. They say they’re letting legislators know that 2020 will be a year of accountability and change.
“While health care is a top concern and abortion access is under threat like never before, there are many other issues at stake in 2020,” said Lillian Tamayo, Chair of the Florida Planned Parenthood PAC. “Here in Florida, family separations, systemic racism, attacks on the rights of the LGBTQIA community and the scourge of gun violence impact all of us. That’s why we’re committed to launching our largest electoral program ever in 2020, to help spur the change we need to see at the state and national level.”
Florida Planned Parenthood PAC staff and volunteers expect to knock on more than 30,000 doors and conduct 500 trainings and events. The PAC will focus on electing two more pro-choice lawmakers to the state Senate, with the goal of moving to an even 20-20 split in that chamber.
The PAC is vowing to mobilize nearly 800,000 supporters across the state to hold elected officials accountable for their votes on reproductive rights, particularly on SB404/HB 265.
“With Florida being the last bulwark for abortion access in the southern U.S., the fate of reproductive rights throughout the South may well hinge on Florida’s state Senate races,” Tamayo said.
January 20, 2020 at 1:55 pm
They should be terminated!
Carol Highley
January 20, 2020 at 2:17 pm
Planned Parenthood is in the big business of dismembering or chemically poisoning to death unborn children by the lethal death of abortion. They make big dollars off of the slaying of thousands and thousands of innocent human beings yearly! They are branching off into other arenas as they mention above because the support they once had for the brutal killing of these voiceless children is diminishing.
They spout rhetoric and false concern about racism when this organization was founded by the biggest racist of all time, Margaret Sanger, who idolized Adolph Hitler, and considered black Americans weeds that needed to be exterminated. And now, her wish is coming into fruition as the major cause of death in the black community is abortion.
This is a corrupt organization with massive blood on it’s hands…we as women should have nothing to do with them, as well as the rest of Floridians, and American citizens.
Shut this racist, and baby killing organization down!!!!!
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