The City of Tampa is looking for applicants to provide services related to neighborhood improvements to water, wastewater, storm water and transportation.
The city posted a request for qualifications for design/build services for the Comprehensive Infrastructure for Tampa’s Neighborhoods project.
The RFQ includes design and construction and public relations services for infrastructure improvements.
“We’re at a very pivotal time in our city’s growth,” said Tampa Mayor Jane Castor. “With that comes making strategic investments in our infrastructure. This is the first step in building a foundation for Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow which will help in coordinating our four major programs — PIPES, Tampa MO>ES, the Stormwater Improvement Assessment and the Streetcar Extension. This historic project is the first of several projects to ensure a sustainable infrastructure systems and will improve neighborhoods across Tampa for years to come.”
Castor has made infrastructure and transportation improvements a top priority for her administration and has already released a blueprint for transportation improvements resulting from recommendations from her assembled transportation advisory committee. Castor released details of the PIPES project earlier this year, which will serve as the largest investment in infrastructure in the city’s history.
Services required under the RFQ include coordination and scheduling during the permitting and design phase, cost estimating, administering subcontracts and all related work required for a number of completed improvements. Services will be provided under a contract for a negotiated guaranteed maximum price with Public Construction Bonds.
The proposed budget is estimated at $200 million.
The city is holding a presubmittal conference at 3 p.m. Tuesday, December 3 in the 3rd Floor City Council Chambers in Downtown Tampa at Old City Hall. Attendance is not mandatory, however.
The final submission deadline is Jan. 9 before 2 p.m.
The RFQ is the city’s first major effort seeking to leverage All For Transportation revenue under the voter-approved 1% sales tax. It’s also the first of about 10 neighborhood infrastructure projects over the next 20 years seeking to “build a Foundation for Tampa’s Tomorrow.”