Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden has named Orlando political consultant Jackie Lee to be a Florida senior adviser.
Lee, founding partner of JLee Strategies of Orlando, has worked campaigns in Delaware, Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Dakota, Iowa, and for more than a decade in Florida. That included serving as 2007 field director for John Edwards in his presidential campaign, and on both presidential campaigns for President Barack Obama.
She first came to Florida during the 2006 election cycle as state field director for the Florida Democratic Party. In 2008-’09, she served as general election director for the campaign ofObama in Florida and followed that as senior advisor for Obama for America in Florida, overseeing all get-out-the-vote operations.
She opene JLee Strategies in Orlando in 2009.
Lee’s efforts also have included serving as campaign manager for FairDistrictsFlorida.org in 2010, to assure passage of the Fair Districts Amendments. Other campaigns included serving as Florida lead for Protect Your Care/Know Your Care, a nonprofit organization that helped promote the Affordable Care Act; as Florida state sirector of NextGen Climate Action; as the progressive partnership and elections advisor for Our Future Florida; and with the Florida Restorations of Rights Amendment 4 campaign in 2018.
She described her role with Biden in a statement she sent to the Orlando Sentinel. The paper reported she stated, “From prominent state legislators to statewide figures to distinguished community leaders, Vice President Joe Biden has earned the support of Floridians from across the state, and I am honored today to officially become a part of Team Joe.
“Sunshine Staters know that Joe will fight to protect their health care, ensure everybody can be a part of the middle class, and restore the soul of the nation. Florida is a crucial state in this primary — and one that Joe Biden can and will win.”