U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida’s 23rd Congressional District has been named the first woman to chair the House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee.
Amid a historic midterm election in terms of the number of women chosen to serve in Congress, the appointment of Wasserman Schultz serves as another historic marker for the 116th Congress.
“I’m truly honored to be the first woman ever to take this gavel,” Wasserman Schultz said.
“After this historic election cycle when a record number of women were elected to Congress, serving in this role will allow me to bring a unique perspective to quality of life issues for our military and veterans.”
Wasserman Schultz served as the Ranking Member on the Committee in the 115th Congress, making her a safe selection to lead the Committee now that Democrats have taken control of the U.S. House.
As its name suggests, the Committee is charged with providing funding for various military construction projects and Veterans Affairs initiatives. That’s a responsibility Wasserman Schultz says she’ll take seriously as Committee Chair.
“I’m also fiercely determined to work diligently, and across the aisle, to ensure that our nation’s veterans and the men and women who serve, get the resources and support they need,” she said.