- 2018 Q1 Lobbying Compensation Reports
- Accenture
- Aetna
- Andrew Ketchel
- Ashley Kalifeh
- Buc-ee's Limited
- Ceres Environmental Services
- Christopher Schoonover
- Creative Core Group
- Daniel Newman
- Dean Izzo
- Gerald Wester
- Jim Boxold
- Kenneth Granger
- lobbying compensation reports
- Nicholas Iarossi
- Pollard Banknote Limited
- Ron LaFace
- Scotts Ross
- SHI International
- Swisher International
- Tallahassee Retail Ventures
- Wise Outlook

Capital City Consulting is one of just six Florida firms to clear the $1 million mark in legislative lobbying in the first quarter, and it’s not far off from earning the same distinction for its executive branch efforts.
Lobbyists are required to report compensation from their principals in ranges covering $10,000 increments and using the middle number of those ranges puts Capital City Consulting around the $2.7 million mark in total earnings for the quarter — $1.76 million on the legislative side and $935,000 on the executive.
If its executive earnings were toward the higher end of the reported range — which went up to $1.5 million — it would be one of three firms to hit seven figures pushing policy to the Governor and Cabinet, the others being Ballard Partners and Southern Strategy Group.
Tying for the top spot on the legislative report were three principals showing up in the $40,000 to $50,000 range: health insurer Aetna, Creative Core Group and tobacco company Swisher International. Another nine clients paid at least $30,000 for the quarter, while 17 fell into the $20,000 to $30,000 range.
The executive report had a similar cast but in a different order. It was topped by Tallahassee Retail Ventures, which paid an estimated $45,000 in Q1, followed by Ceres Environmental Services in the $30,000 to $40,000 range and a half-dozen principals checking in with between $20,000 and $30,000 in payments for the three-month span.
Those clients were Accenture, BRIDG, Buc-ee’s Limited, Pollard Banknote Limited, SHI International and Wise Outlook.
The new reports show a $400,000 improvement over Q4 2017, when the firm raked in an estimated $2.3 million and smashed its 2017 quarterly average by the same margin.
The firm’s roster was unchanged from Q4. The full team: Nicholas Iarossi, Jim Boxold, Kenneth Granger, Dean Izzo, Ashley Kalifeh, Andrew Ketchel, Ron LaFace, Daniel Newman, Scotts Ross, Christopher Schoonover and Gerald Wester.