Calvina Fay, Executive Director of the Drug-Free America Foundation announced at Wednesday night’s Annual Lifetime Achievement Awards Gala that she will be retiring at the end of the month, the organization announced Thursday.
Fay has been the leader of the organization for 20 years, and a drug prevention advocate for over 35 years.
“Under Calvina Fay’s leadership, Drug-Free America has had a profound impact in Florida, in the United States and throughout the world,” said Betty Sembler, founder of Drug-Free America Foundation, in a statement.
In remarks Wednesday, Fay thanked everyone for their support throughout the years and encouraged them to continue the fight, the release said.
“Drug-Free America Foundation has left an enormous footprint on the effort to combat substance abuse, and I know through our shared commitment this organization will continue to lead the way,” she said. “Without the efforts of this organization, I am convinced that schedule one drugs like heroin, LSD, PCP and marijuana would be legal, and the number of young people using these illicit drugs would be far greater.”
In addition to her work with Drug-Free America Foundation, Fay was a founding board member of Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S.) and was president of Drug Watch International, a network engaged in combating the drug legalization movement globally.
She has served as an adviser to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy as well as several political leaders, including former President George W. Bush, on drug policy issues.
Fay holds a master’s degree in business administration and has built and sold two successful businesses, according to the release. She has taught at a number of universities including Argentina’s Universidad del Salvador, where she was named an honorary professor.
“Amy Ronshausen, the incoming executive director, shares my passion for this mission,” Fay said. “I have been privileged to have her by my side for the past 10 years, and this organization is fortunate to have her as its next leader.”
John M. Bunch
April 26, 2018 at 4:02 pm
I nominate Calvina Fay as Patron Saint of Those Unfazed By Misguided Efforts and Lost Causes.
May 8, 2018 at 12:24 pm
Funny, she has a master in business, exactly what the drug “war” is.
This article is so full of it i can smell it in Jersey
Charles Ankner
April 26, 2018 at 4:07 pm
A new study led by investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine has implicated the blocking of endocannabinoids — signaling substances that are the brain’s internal versions of the psychoactive chemicals in marijuana and hashish — in the early pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.
Bruce Goldman, science writer for the Stanford University School of Medicine Office of
Communication & Public Affairs; June 18, 2014
Charles Ankner
April 26, 2018 at 4:12 pm
Also, work harder on the killers (alcohol, opiates, benzos, and the like); and, promote the natural plants that heal…like cannabis.
“Nia’s funeral expenses were $15,000, and her ten day hospital stay where she subsequently died was over $300,000. Guess who gets that bill… we do, her surviving family.
“Your daughter is dead, we’re not going to investigate, get your crap off our island, and here’s the tab. Have a nice day.” Let that sink in next time you want to visit the beach there… #PBPDFail
Update: Turns out according to the FDLE (Case No. MI-48-3351), the woman Nia was with did not contact third parties as we suspected; she called 911. Although Town of Palm Beach Police and Palm Beach Fire Rescue claimed several times to have arrived on scene within two-to-three minutes of being notified (we think they do protest too much) – audio and video evidence proves a twenty-to-thirty minute delay. During that perverse, grossly negligent, or intentional Governmental delay in public response and care – Nia suffocated to death.
Besides refusing to investigate Nia’s death as an opiate related homicide as required by Florida Law (until we dragged them before a Judge) – Town of Palm Beach Police and Fire Rescue delayed response to an emergency/crime scene for twenty-to-thirty minutes – with stationed and/or patrolling emergency personal less than five minutes away – proximately causing Nia’s death. So, if you plan on visiting the Town of Palm Beach – bring your own Police and Fire Rescue…your life may depend on it – or your child’s life.
The motivation for the Town of Palm Beach treating our family in such an outrageous manner is becoming much clearer- to conceal either the incompetence, negligence, or criminality of the Town of Palm Beach Police Department and Fire Rescue Personnel – Sworn Officers. As we’ve stated – the Town of Palm Beach’s effective policy on such things is rather self-evident; and Officer Giselle Bido summed it up well. She’s an award winning Palm Beach Police Officer who chimed in for the Department on social media. Officer Bido has since removed the posting, as well as her entire Facebook page.
“Giselle Bido: Palm Beach Police did not let a murderer walk away free. There is NO PROOF or EVIDENCE of this woman poisoning someone or purposely not calling police for 20 minutes to come help the woman. There is also no Probable Cause to arrest her because there is no proof or evidence. You can not arrest someone on circumstantial evidence, that’s why this woman was not arrested. And you can not make an arrest without concrete evidence or a confession, not just because you are grieving and in pain and want someone to pay.
The woman who died overdosed, the only woman responsible for her death is herself. She chose to take drugs. Stop putting the blame on everyone for that woman’s irresponsible choices. And btw, it’s NOT murder when a drug addict overdoses. Get your facts straight before you go slandering people and the police for something you obviously know nothing about.”
Since then, Officer Bido has been scouring the rough streets of Palm Beach arresting addicts – and without the evidentiary pointer of wrong doing of finding a young woman in the throws of death in her car. In light of the arrest of Christopher Ryan Champion of Lake Worth six-months after Nia’s homicide; how can the Palm Beach Police claim no crime was committed related to Nia’s death? And then attempt to sweep a woman’s homicide in their jurisdiction under the rug?! Our and many billionaire’s tax dollars at work.”
Lisa Allred Tucker
May 8, 2018 at 10:17 am
This “organization” is nothing more than Straight Inc. Reincarnated because they were FORCED to close ALL facilities due to horrifying abuse and torture of the American children held captive indefinitely for having no more than experimenting with mostly alcohol and marijuana. We, the victims of the abuse, are now adults who became stronger from the abuse, ready to advocate for the children today who are still being abandoned by their parents and society to these same programs that have changed nothing but the name. The tax ID # is even the same.
May 8, 2018 at 12:13 pm
Yea, she left a footprint alright, one of KIDNAPPING and ABUSING CHILDREN, making a bad situation WORSE and HIDING from lawsuits from victims of her and the Sembler’s! What an achievement!
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