Vice President Mike Pence and Gov. Rick Scott found widespread support among a dozen or so business owners gathered in an Orlando factory Thursday for the kinds of tax cuts President Donald Trump is pushing in Washington.
Members of the business roundtable assembled to meet with Pence at the Correct Craft factory that makes Nautique and other recreational boats, Pence asked: “How important would reducing taxes be to your business?”
Plenty important, they all agreed.
The roundtable group, which included a variety of business owners such as Orlando consultant and lobbyist Bertica Cabrera Morris and former Orange County Clerk of Courts Eddie Fernandez, who now has a private law practice, lauded the prospects of tax reform for their businesses. Many charged that overtaxation has put some of their friends out of business. And assured that they would share any tax savings benefits they received with their employees.
Pence was in town Thursday to give the keynote speech to the Republican Party of Florida’s state conference Statesman Dinner. But he also was on tour to solicit and demonstrate support for the tax reform package that the Trump administration is finally unveiling, backed by a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday, and another expected to drop in the U.S. Senate on Monday.
Pence pushed the plan several times as one that will help “working families, small businesses, and family farms,” an assessment that will be central to whether Congress and the American people buy it. The plan would reduce the tax code to four brackets of 12, 25, 35 and 39.6 percent, eliminate the estate tax by 2024, increase child care tax credits, but eliminate deductions for state and local taxes.
Yet Pence and Scott also made it clear that the intentions were focused on corporations and business owners, the “jobs creators,’ a point driven home by the plan’s marquee reductions, of the maximum corporate tax to 20 percent, and the maximum “pass through” tax paid by many small business owners to 25 percent.
“It’s the jobs creators that are here today that we feel the greatest debt to, men and women that put their resources and time on the line to create opportunities,” Pence said.
One comment
Andrew Nappi
November 3, 2017 at 8:03 pm
After 104 years of extortion at gunpoint, it’s high time Americans repeal the 16th Amendment which inflicts partial slavery on every working American. Seizing someone’s income would be anathema to the founders in the 13 original countries comprising the states united. Along with this repeal, the IRS must be totally disarmed.
Until this is part of the “tax reform” double speak (where our betters determine how much we can keep of the fruits of our own labor) and real spending cuts are made, it’s all a distraction of the masses.
As for corporate taxes, corporations only collect, they don’t “pay.” They will simply pass the cost along to the customer. End the income tax, end the payroll tax and let people use their own money as they see fit and the economy will explode. Plugging the dike with all of these finger pointers who have bought Keynesian economics hook,line and sinker will implode us. It’s coming and it will be here soon.
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