Few Floridians appear to be aware of the Constitution Revision Commission, according to a new survey meant gauge how much Florida voters know about the process.
A new survey from Florida TaxWatch found 77 percent of Florida voters said they haven’t heard about recent Constitution Revision Commission meetings. Another 13 percent of respondents, according to the survey, said they only saw, read or heard “a little” about the commission’s activities.
Those findings come after months of public hearings across the state to get input from Floridians on issues important to them. According to the TaxWatch, about 2,350 citizens have attended the meetings, and more than 900 Floridians have addressed the commission on a variety of issues.
The live phone survey of 527 registered voters was conducted by Tallahassee-based Cherry Communications from June 7 through June 15. The survey has a margin of error of 4.23 percent.
The survey found that 75 percent of respondents who said they heard a lot, some or even a little about the Constitution Revision Commission said they also haven’t seen any editorials regarding the group’s public hearings. According to the survey, 19 percent said they had seen editorials on the commission’s activities.
There was a bit of good news for the panel, which convenes every 20 years to review and suggest changes to the state’s governing document. The survey found that more than 50 percent of respondents supported the idea of convening a commission ever 20 years to update the Constitution.
One comment
Reid Friedson, PhD
June 29, 2017 at 9:08 am
Please sign and share the People of Florida’s July 4, 2016 petition to the United States Justice Department and the 2017-18 Florida Constitution Revision Commission: https://www.change.org/p/people-of-the-state-of-florida-v-rick-scott-et-al
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