I could waste words here on President Donald Trump’s hallucinations about the truth, but why bother. Y’all know that story as well as I do. The president either is delusional or cynical about what the people will believe or maybe both.
There is a bigger story, though, one that reduces all the drama about nonexistent wiretaps and possibly existing collusion with Russia to subplots.
It is simply this: His supporters don’t care.
A large, energetic crowd of believers showed up Monday night at his rally in Louisville to give a united upraised middle finger to those who call out this president on his lies, deceit and all the other things are supposed to spell his doom.
They don’t care.
This was in Kentucky, mind you — a state where residents likely are to be among the hardest hit if/when the Affordable Care Act is repealed. Instead of draining the swamp, the man these people adore will be draining the ranks of those who can afford health insurance. That may include some of those who were shouting his praises the loudest.
They don’t care.
He spits on our allies.
They don’t care.
While his proposed budget eviscerates social safety nets, the president’s regular weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago are estimated to cost taxpayers $3 million a pop. That’s on top of millions more spent on security at Trump Tower. The people who voted for Trump screamed bloody murder when President Obama took getaway trips to Hawaii.
But now? They don’t care.
The New York Times, Washington Post, and all the others that quoted “unnamed sources” saying there was no truth to Trump’s claims that Obama illegally wiretapped him during the campaign WERE CORRECT! Trump and those who parrot him dismissed the reports as Fake News. That was wrong. The media were CORRECT!
What else will it be correct about?
Trump’s supporters don’t care. They wouldn’t believe it anyway.
All the things that are supposed to define a successful, competent commander in chief don’t seem to matter now.
That’s why Monday could go down as one of the most significant days in American history. It’s the scene-setter for a showdown. How the testimony from Washington trickles down to places like Tallahassee is the next thing to watch.
The FBI is actively investigating if there is proof Trump’s campaign conspired with Russian agents to rig the November election. No doubt hundreds of professional, well-sourced reporters are looking into that as well.
Health care, security, and all the rest could get pushed to the side while his opponents, including some in his own party, dig in for the fight.
Florida’s governor and attorney general are tucked deep into Trump’s pocket. Their political futures could be tied to the outcome of this continuing drama — maybe. No one matter what the investigations and hearings uncover, I don’t believe the true supporters will abandon the president.
Nobody paid attention to them until the morning after the 2016 election. No one is paying attention to them now that their man is in the White House.
Huge mistake.
Andrew Nappi
March 21, 2017 at 1:15 pm
Partisanship isn’t news. Obama lovers still think he is some genius messiah. If you like your guy, he can do no wrong. No story here really.
Mark Nash
March 22, 2017 at 1:17 pm
Delusional is the ONLY way to describe people who don’t see this man for what/who he truly is … he has never had any desire to ‘govern’ only to disrupt and bring attention to himself – essentially what he has spent a lifetime doing … he is NOT a successful businessman, he is NOT a successful anything … he is petty, deceptive, mean, mean-spirited, and completely incompetent to perform the job of President of the United States … this is not going to end well … you know it – I know it – the world sees this coming too … this will test our Democracy like no other time in our history.
March 23, 2017 at 11:00 am
It’s a shame that after 42 years you have also shifted to false news. Pedestal had ties with Russia too. CNN and the NYT have been spewing false news for a while now. What about the FISA warrant? Hearing Bob Woodward at all? I guess things are true because you say they are. It’s very sad indeed.
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