Lisa Hurley, legislative director for the Florida Association of Counties (FAC), has turned in a resignation letter and is heading to Tallahassee’s Smith, Bryan & Myers influence shop.

Her last day will be Oct. 21.
FAC Executive Director Scott Shalley shared the news with his board of directors in a Monday morning memo.
“In my 30 years of involvement with Tallahassee’s legislative process, I have never worked with anyone more impressive than Lisa Hurley,” he said.
She is a “brilliant lawyer, a tireless advocate, and (most importantly) one of the most ethically grounded people in this process.”
There’s a silver lining, Shalley added. Since Smith, Bryan & Myers has an outside contract to lobby for the association, Hurley will still work on the group’s issues, he said.
“We are very excited to have Lisa Hurley join the SBM team,” the firm said in a statement. “We look forward to utilizing her extensive local government expertise and understanding of the legislative process on behalf of current and future clients.”
Shalley told the board he will immediately begin a search to find the association’s next chief in-house lobbyist.