A fairly new organization combining gay rights and gun law concerns that was inspired into existence by the June 12 Pulse massacre in Orlando, the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence PAC, has endorsed Linda Stewart, Beth Tuura and Carlos Guillermo Smith in state races.
All the endorsements have gone to Democrats.
Stewart is running for Florida Senate District 13 against Republican nominee Dean Asher. Tuura is running for Florida House District 47 against incumbent Republican state Rep. Mike Miller. Guillermo Smith is running in Florida House District 49 against independent candidate Shea Silverman.
“We support these exceptional candidates because each of them has demonstrated steadfast commitment to equality for all citizens, and a work ethic that values the voices of constituents over the distortion of reality by the gun lobby,” Jason Lindsay, founder and Executive Director of Pride Fund, stated in a news release. “Floridians support common sense gun reforms, especially since the horror in Orlando, and they deserve representation in Tallahassee who will fight for the values and safety of American families over those of corporate gun manufacturers.”
The trio declared such in the Pride Fund’s release.
Tuura and Smith both are openly gay. Stewart long has been recognized by Orlando’s and Florida’s LGBT community as an ally.
“The hatred, bigotry, and homophobia that still exists in Florida has turned deadly thanks to easy civilian access to military-style assault weapons. I will not rest until we enact common-sense gun safety measures to protect our communities from gun violence and keep our neighborhoods safe” Smith stated.
“Our legislators are elected to represent the will of the people, but once in office, they bend to the will of the NRA leadership. There is overwhelming support for sensible gun safety laws nationwide. It is time we act. I support passing common-sense gun reform. We need to implement universal background checks, restrict access to high-capacity weapons and magazines, and make sure hate-filled people with a history of violence can’t obtain a gun” Tuura stated.
“I will do everything I can to fight for the safety and dignity of this community. I will sponsor a bill to restrict assault-style weapons, and I will push for harsher penalties for hate crimes. After a decade of service, you should know I will stand up and will never be silent; I am with you and you are my family.” Stewart stated.