Jeb Bush is looking to capitalize on a flub by a Marco Rubio supporter.
In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday, the former Republican governor said Rubio has accomplished little during his time in the Senate. The interview came just one day after Rick Santorum was unable to list one of Rubio’s accomplishments.
“His record of accomplishment is slim,” Bush said. “He was the Speaker of the (Florida) House and he did a fine job there. But every Speaker before him and after him, but one, that worked for both of us are supporting me.”
Rubio defended Santorum on Thursday and pointed to several measures, including sanctions on Hezbollah, as some of his legislative accomplishments. During an interview on Fox News, Santorum also pointed to those sanctions as one of Rubio’s accomplishments.
“He talks about the problem of fundamentalist Islam, he’s very clear about that. He’s very clear about the threat of radical Islam,” Santorum said. “Talk about accomplishments, he passed something to try to curb Hezbollah and put sanctions on Hezbollah.”
The sanctions bill passed with no opposition in the Senate. On Friday, however, Bush told “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that Rubio “didn’t show up to vote.”
Rubio sponsored the legislation, which lets the administration sanction any banks knowingly working with Hezbollah and its supporters. According to the Congressional Record for Nov. 17, the day the Senate vote, Rubio was absent and was listed as not voting.
“Marco is a talented politician, he got elected when he was 26 years old,” Bush said Friday. “People love him, and I do too. He’s a great guy, but he’s a not a leader.”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH_XwXsyVvA]