While Washington D.C. reels in the aftermath of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy‘s announcement that he is dropping out of the race to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House, Democrats are sitting on the sidelines, enjoying the show.
“Republican dysfunction in the House of Representatives is preventing Congress from taking action to help middle class families and create greater opportunity for every American,” said Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
“House Republicans continue to waste taxpayer time and money on baseless investigations and government shutdowns. The Tea Party caucus has now claimed one Speaker and two Speakers-in-waiting,” she said, referring to Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, who is hoping to succeed Boehner but apparently still doesn’t have the 218 votes needed.
“Meanwhile, Democrats have created 13 million jobs, 67 straight months of private sector job growth, and extended access to quality, affordable health care for 17 million Americans,” Wasserman Schultz continued. “The choice for American voters between Democrats and Republicans could not be any more clear.”
They were also enjoying the spectacle at the White House.
“We’re having a little fun with all of this,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. He also took a shot at former Vice President Dick Cheney, who earlier in the day had endorsed McCarthy for speaker.
“Dick Cheney’s endorsement doesn’t mean as much as it used to,” Mr. Earnest said, smiling and laughing. “I’ve been waiting 45 minutes to use that line. Somebody throw me a bone up here.”
Meanwhile, Orlando Congressman and Senate candidates Alan Grayson was taking credit for McCarthy’s departure.
“When Democrats with guts stand up to corrupt Republicans, we get results,” Grayson said. “This is a victory against the new McCarthyism and the Republican witch-hunt against Hillary Clinton.”
On Wednesday, Grayson filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into the Benghazi Select Committee for misusing public funds for political purposes.
Grayson’s complaint cited McCarthy’s confession on Fox News last week that the purpose of the Benghazi Committee was to make Hillary Clinton’s “numbers” drop, and torpedo her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.