Cate Communications founder Kevin Cate today sent out the first month of data on Florida lawmaker responsiveness, as determined by his newest product Rocket Lobby.
Rocket Lobby organizes and measures efforts by constituents to contact their local legislators. A citizen can enter their address and be directed towards the politician who represents them in both the state House and Senate, complete with email addresses and contact info for lawmakers’ district and Capitol offices.
The most responsive during the month of September? Democratic Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda and Republican Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto.
Cate said in a news release the service had so far been used by 1,782 citizens looking to reach out to their representatives in Tallahassee.
He is poised to put out the numbers on the opposite side of the responsiveness spectrum – those legislators who most often ignore or fail to get back to their constituents – next month.
“We have a couple of lawmakers in Florida and elsewhere with 0 rankings. In order to give them time to adjust to responding quickly to constituents (because that’s new to them?), we’ll save the award for least responsive state lawmakers in the country for next month,” Cate wrote Thursday.