With just three days left in the fiscal quarter, GOP presidential candidates are concentrating on raising as much money before the deadline Wednesday night.
No one will be more active this week at fundraisers than Jeb Bush. The former Florida governor is raising money later Monday in St. Louis. Tuesday he does the same in Oklahoma, and he then heads off to the Big Apple for similar efforts Thursday.
It comes as he continues to struggle in the polls; Bush is in fifth place nationally with just 7 percent support (trailing Marco Rubio), according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll published Sunday, and with equally mediocre numbers in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.
In addition to raising cash, the Bush campaign is looking for endorsements in New York, endorsements that may be hard to find, according to a report in Monday’s New York Post.
Reporter Fredric Dicker reports Bush is “meeting a cool reception” from some prominent, uncommitted New York Republicans:
“They’re avoiding his calls,” said a prominent GOP operative.
“In the past couple of years when New York party leaders asked Jeb to do some things for them, like come to a fundraiser, it was he who didn’t respond.
“The DC insiders who run Jeb’s campaign obviously didn’t plan ahead,’ the operative continued.
Sunday the The Washington Post quoted a “top party fundraiser” not aligned with any campaign as saying, ““People are looking at the stage and saying: ‘Jeb and Marco? I’m going with the new. You’re seeing people really gravitate to [Rubio] and saying, ‘Okay, we’ll buck the Bush machine,'” adding, “What I hear everywhere when you say Jeb’s name is, ‘If you want to lose the general election, nominate Jeb.'”
One comment
September 28, 2015 at 11:22 am
See http://www.Judgeoneforyourself.com under section Default ! Jebs own lawyers now as a Florida Supreme Court Judge and the judge Marva Crenshaw appointed to the case admits Jeb directed and did Hate Crimes
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