Florida is a thirsty state, and one of its favorite beverages is beer.
For the Sunshine State, a fast-growing beer industry has developed into a strong economic engine, one that pumps billions into the state’s economy, with more than 125,000 jobs, says a new report unveiled Tuesday.
Brewers, importers, distributors, suppliers and retailers contribute more than $14 billion annually to Florida’s economy, supporting 125,402 local jobs, according to “Beer Serves America” – an in-depth study of the U.S. beer industry.
The report, jointly compiled by the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) and The Beer Institute, shows that the industry is responsible for more than $5 billion in wages and benefits, as well as $3 billion in business, personal and consumption taxes in 2014.
“It can be said that beer truly serves America,” Beer Institute CEO Jim McGreevy said. “Beer is more than our nation’s favorite adult drink – it is a powerhouse in job creation, commercial activity, and tax revenue.”

Nationwide, the report found that the beer industry generates nearly $253 billion in overall economic activity, with $48.5 billion in tax revenue and 1.75 million jobs.
Brewers and beer importers directly provide 49,576 American jobs. More than 70 percent of brewing jobs are at large and midsize brewers and beer importers. In the past decade, the number of distributor jobs has increased by more than 20 percent – to a total of 131,307.
NBWA CEO Craig Purser praised America’s independent licensed beer distributors, which provide more than 130,000 “solid wage” direct jobs at more than 3,300 facilities. Many of the jobs — located in every state of the country — offer benefits to employees.
Independent beer distributors also provide a significant economic boost to communities through a range of advantages to local commerce, investments in infrastructure, capital assets and tax revenue.
“They provide services that improve efficiency for trading partners, especially small brewers, and retailers, and they ensure fair prices and a broad selection of products for consumers to enjoy,” Purser said.
Compiled by independent economics firm John Dunham & Associates, Beer Serves America It is the most comprehensive analysis of the industry. The results came by way of data from private companies, Dun & Bradstreet, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
NBWA is the leading voice of America’s 3,300 licensed, independent beer distributors operating in every state and major market nationwide. Information on NBWA is at www.AmericasBeerDistributors.com, @NBWABeer on Twitter, www.youtube.com/NBWABeer, and www.facebook.com/NBWABeer.
Founded in 1862 as the U.S. Brewers Association, The Beer Institute is the leading trade association for the American brewing industry, representing both large and small brewers, importers and suppliers, More information on the institute is at www.BeerInstitute.org, on Twitter at @BeerInstitute and on Facebook.