Another challenge has cropped up in the attempt to bring a non-euphoric strain of medical marijuana to people suffering from chronic seizures.
The state approved Charlotte’s Web for use in epileptic patients, including children, last year, but the medicine is still not available as a committee grapples with rules regulating its cultivations, distribution and use.
The family behind the law is outraged the drug is still not available to their daughter who suffers from chronic seizures. Holley and Peyton Moseley and their daughter RayAnn had become the face of the law and had hoped the strain of marijuana would be available to ease RayAnn’s suffering by this January.
“The Moseleys are heartsick to learn of the challenge to the Charlotte’s Web rule,” said Ryan Wiggins, a spokesperson for the family. “ Following the last hearing, they felt confident that all of the stakeholders in the rulemaking process were happy and ready to move forward.”
The challenge came from the mother of a 4-year old who suffers from seizures as a result of an inoperable brain tumor. She’s arguing against the makeup of the rulemaking committee assembled by the Department of Health. The new proposed rule is also being challenged based on a flawed selection process for licenses and a lack of minimum standards for licenses.
“It is disappointing that a mother who is using cannabis illegally and has not been involved in the rulemaking process, would block the access to Charlotte’s Web for thousands of families who are trying to go about getting the life-saving product for their children the right way,” Wiggns said in an email.
The Moseley’s have chosen not to administer marijuana to their daughter until it is legal to do so.
“How many other children will lose their lives because of this challenge? Florida families cannot wait any longer for access to Charlotte’s Web and we implore the legislature to intervene at this point.
A child has died. Ten-year old Isaac Carew from Brevard County passed away this week after his latest brain surgery to stop severe seizures was unsuccessful. The family had been anticipating Charlotte’s Web to offer some relief to their son.
“Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the Carews. Their son’s death will not be in vain. We will not stop fighting for these families until Charlotte’s Web is readily available,” Wiggins said.

The case is being heard in administrative court where a judge will either dismiss the challenge or grant a hearing.